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Jon McLaughlin lyrics
Summer Is Over
Autumn never seemed this cold before here I am sleeping on the floor we changed just like the leaves outside my house and my phone lay silent by the c...
Summer Is Over [Hungarian translation]
Az ősz sosem tűnt ennyire hidegnek korábban Itt vagyok, alszom a földön Megváltoztunk, akárcsak a falevelek A házamon kívül És a telefonom csendben pi...
Summer Is Over [Spanish translation]
El otoño nunca antes pareció tan frio Aquí estoy durmiendo en el suelo Cambiamos tal como las hojas Afuera de mi casa Y mi teléfono está silencioso so...
Summer Is Over [Turkish translation]
Sonbahar hiç bu kadar soğuk olmamıştı İşte yerde uyuyorum Evimin dışındaki Yapraklar gibi değiştik Ve telefonum kanepenin yanında sessizce durdu. Hazi...
Beating My Heart lyrics
There are times every now and then I forget why I'm breathing out And why I'm breathing in And I get so sick with the little things I can't relax when...
Beating My Heart [Spanish translation]
Hay momentos de vez en cuando Olvido porqué estoy exhalando y porqué estoy inhalando y me enferma hasta el más mínimo detalle No me puedo relajar cuan...
Beautiful disaster lyrics
She loves her momma's lemonade Hates the sounds that goodbyes make She prays one day she'll find someone to need her She swears there's no difference ...
Beautiful disaster [German translation]
Sie liebt die Limonade die ihre Mutter macht, Hasst die Geräusche, die Abschiede machen Sie betet, dass sie eines Tages jemand findet, der sie braucht...
Beautiful disaster [Romanian translation]
Ea adoră limonada mamei sale, Urăşte sunetul ce-l scot adio-urile Se roagă ca într-o zi să se găsească cineva care să aibă nevoie de ea Ea jură că nu ...
Beautiful disaster [Spanish translation]
Le encanta la limonada de su madre Odia el sonido que hacen las despedidas Reza por encontrar algún día a alguien que la necesite Jura que no hay dife...
Human lyrics
Can you tell me how we got in this situation, I can’t seem to get you off my mind, all these ups and downs, they trip up our good intentions, nobody s...
Human [Romanian translation]
Poţi să-mi spui cum am ajuns în situaţia aceasta, Se pare că nu mi te pot scoate din minte, toate aceste momente bune şi rele, Stau în calea intenţiil...
Imaginary Tea lyrics
I love you more than you will ever know I love you no matter what you do I’m gonna hold you as long as you will let me ‘Cause you’re mine, I love you ...
Imaginary Tea [Chinese translation]
我愛你超乎了你所想 我愛你無論你做什麼 只要你願意我會一直抱著你 因為你是我的,我愛你 我愛上了你,在我聽到了你那曾聽過的聲音之前 甚至在我已知道了你的名字之前 我愛上了你,在我看見那漂亮的雙眼之前 我當時便愛上了你 所以慢慢來吧 在你明白它之前,你將會長大變老 只要記住,我總是在這裡 有雙你可以緊...
Imaginary Tea [Hungarian translation]
Jobban szeretlek, mint amennyire eltudnád képzelni Szeretlek, nem számít mit teszel Egészen addig leszek melletted, amíg hagyod Mert az enyém vagy, sz...
It doesn't mean goodbye lyrics
Just 'cause it's slow doesn't mean it's sad Just 'cause it's wrong doesn't mean it isn't right Just 'cause it hurts don't mean it's bad, no Just come ...
It doesn't mean goodbye [German translation]
Nur weil es langsam ist, muss es nicht traurig sein Nur weil es falsch ist, muss es nicht nicht richtig sein Nur weil es weh tut, muss es nicht schlec...
Things That You Say lyrics
I'm not a fool I know all the rules You can't trick me, get one by me There's nothing I haven't seen before How can you be sure You're the only one wh...
Things That You Say [Spanish translation]
No soy idiota Conozco las reglas No puedes engañarme, ir por delante de mí No hay nada que no haya visto antes ¿Como puedes estar segura De que eres l...
You Never Know lyrics
I meet you and instantly do everything I can To imitate the movie stars you speak of with your friends Now I’m not one for show, yeah I never make a s...
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