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Gregorian also performed lyrics
John Lennon - Happy Xmas [War Is Over]
(Happy Xmas Kyoko Happy Xmas Julian) So this is Xmas And what have you done Another year over And a new one just begun And so this is Xmas I hope you ...
Happy Xmas [War Is Over] [Arabic translation]
(Happy Xmas Kyoko Happy Xmas Julian) So this is Xmas And what have you done Another year over And a new one just begun And so this is Xmas I hope you ...
Happy Xmas [War Is Over] [Croatian translation]
(Happy Xmas Kyoko Happy Xmas Julian) So this is Xmas And what have you done Another year over And a new one just begun And so this is Xmas I hope you ...
Happy Xmas [War Is Over] [Croatian translation]
(Happy Xmas Kyoko Happy Xmas Julian) So this is Xmas And what have you done Another year over And a new one just begun And so this is Xmas I hope you ...
Fields of Gold lyrics
You'll remember me when the west wind moves Among the fields of barley You can tell the sun in his jealous sky When we walked in fields of gold So she...
Fields of Gold [Persian translation]
You'll remember me when the west wind moves Among the fields of barley You can tell the sun in his jealous sky When we walked in fields of gold So she...
Everybody Hurts [Persian translation]
وقتی روزت طولانیه و شب شب های بی کسی با توست وقتی مطمئن شدی که دیگه به ستوه اومدی از دست این زندگی خب طاقت بیار خودت رو نباز چون هرکسی ممکنه به گریه ب...
Everybody Hurts [Polish translation]
Kiedy twój dzień się dłuży i tak samo noc [Kiedy] samotnie [spędzasz] noc Kiedy jesteś pewien, że masz już dość Tego życia Cóż, zaczekaj Nie postępuj ...
Everybody Hurts [Polish translation]
Gdy Twój dzień jest długi, a noc, A noc Twoja samotna. Gdy jestes pewnien, że masz juz dość Tego życia Wytrwaj to. Nie poddawaj się, Bo każdy czasem p...
Everybody Hurts [Portuguese translation]
Quando o seu dia esta longo Só a noite é sua Quando tem certeza que já ta farto dessa vida Bem,aguente firme Não desista de si mesmo , Pois todo mundo...
Everybody Hurts [Portuguese translation]
Quando seu dia é longo e a noite, A noite é sua apenas Quando você tiver certeza que cansou Dessa vida Bem! persista Não entregue os pontos Pois, todo...
Everybody Hurts [Romanian translation]
Când ai o zi grea şi noaptea, Noaptea eşti singur, Când eşti sigur că te-ai săturat De viaţa asta, Rezistă, Nu te lăsa, Căci toată lumea plânge Şi toa...
Everybody Hurts [Romanian translation]
Când ziua îți este lungă, iar noaptea, Noaptea este doar a ta, Când ești sigur că ai avute destule În această viață: Ei, bine, rezistă, Nu te lăsa, Pe...
Everybody Hurts [Russian translation]
Когда день - длинный и ночь, Ночь - только твоя Когда ты уверен, что тебя достала Эта жизнь, Ну держитесь, Не дай себе уйти, Потому, что все плачут И ...
Everybody Hurts [Serbian translation]
Kada je tvoj dan dug a noć, Noć je samo tvoja, Kada si siguran da ti je dosta ovog života Izdrži, ne odustaj jer svi plačemo i svi patimo ponekad. Pon...
Everybody Hurts [Spanish translation]
Cuando el día es largo y la noche, La noche solitaria es tuya, Cuando estés seguro que has logrado lo suficiente de esta vida, Bien espera. No te aban...
Everybody Hurts [Spanish translation]
Cuando el día es largo y la noche, la noche solitaria es tuya, cuando estás seguro de que has tenido suficiente de esta vida, bueno, aguanta. No te de...
Everybody Hurts [Spanish translation]
Cuando tu día se haga largo y la noche, Tu noche sea solitaria. Cuando estés seguro que tuviste suficiente De esta vida. Bien, aguanta No te dejes ir ...
Everybody Hurts [Tongan translation]
Kapau 'oku loloa ho 'aho pea ko e po, Ko 'o'ou pe 'a e po Kapau 'oku ke 'ilo 'oku ke fiu Mo e mo'ui ni Ka ke puke ma'u pe 'Oua tukuange kita He tangi ...
Everybody Hurts [Turkish translation]
günün uzun geldiğinde ve gece, gecen yalnızsa, bıktığından eminsen bu hayattan, yine de dayan kendini bırakma çünkü herkes ağlar ve bazen herkes incin...
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