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Passenger (UK) lyrics
Fear of Fear lyrics
Well fill my lungs full of smoke, Fill my belly full of beer, Fill my nights with bad jokes, Told by folk full of fear, Fill my eyes with a stinging, ...
Fear of Fear [French translation]
remplis mes poumons pleins de fumée remplis mon ventre plein de bière remplis mes nuits de mauvaises blagues racontées par des gens pleins de peur rem...
Fear of Fear [Italian translation]
Beh, riempi i miei polmoni di fumo, Riempimi la pancia di birra, Riempi le mie notti con brutte battute, Dette da gente piena di paura, Riempi i miei ...
Feather on the Clyde lyrics
Well there’s a river that runs through Glasgow And makes her but it breaks her and takes her into the parks And her current just like my blood flows D...
Feather on the Clyde [French translation]
Il y a une rivière qui traverse Glasgow, Et qui la fait, mais qui la brise et la sépare en deux. Et son courant, tout comme mon sang, coule En descend...
Feather on the Clyde [French translation]
Alors il y a une rivière qui traverse Glasgow Elle la fait mais elle la brise et l'entraîne dans les parcs Et son courant tout comme mon sang coule Du...
Feather on the Clyde [German translation]
Also, da fließt ein Fluß durch Glasgow Die Stadt macht ihn, aber bricht ihn und bringt ihn in die Parks Und seine Strömung fließt genau wie mein Blut ...
Feather on the Clyde [Greek translation]
Λοιπόν υπάρχει ένα ποτάμι που ρέει στη Γλασκώβη1 Και την φτιάχνει αλλά την χαλάει και την φέρνει στα πάρκα Και ο τωρινός της σαν το αίμα μου που ρέει ...
Feather on the Clyde [Italian translation]
Beh, c'è un fiume che scorre attraverso Glasgow e la crea ma la rompe e la porta dentro i parchi E la sua corrente è come lo scorrere del mio sangue g...
Feather on the Clyde [Russian translation]
Ну, есть река, что бежит через Глазго, И создает его, но ломает и делит на две части1. И ее поток течет, прямо как моя кровь — Вниз с холмов, вкруг но...
Feather on the Clyde [Spanish translation]
Bueno, hay un río que corre por Glasgow Y lo performa pero lo quebra y lo lleva an sus parques Y la corriente corre exactamente como mi sangre Abajo d...
Passenger [UK] - Flight of the Crow
Well sometimes, I get tired of waking up on my own And sometimes, I feel like I want to go home But the cars they keep on driving Down a road that doe...
Flight of the Crow [French translation]
parfois je suis fatigué de me réveiller tout seul, et parfois il me prend de vouloir rentrer chez moi, mais les voitures elles continuent de rouler su...
Flight of the Crow [Turkish translation]
Bazen, yalnız başıma uyanmaktan yoruluyorum Ve bazen, eve gitmek istediğimi hissediyorum. Ama arabalar yollarına devam ediyor Sonu görünmeyen bir yold...
Fools Gold lyrics
Hey can't you show me something I've not seen before Magic tricks and pirate ships they, Just work no more I've given up on treasure chest that on the...
Fools Gold [Romanian translation]
Buna,nu poti sa imi arati ceva ce nu am mai vazut pana acum? Trucurile magice si navele piratilor pur si simplu nu mai functioneaza. Am renuntat la cu...
Fools Gold [Spanish translation]
Ey, no puedes mostrarme algo que no haya visto antes. Trucos de magia y barcos pirata, solo trabajo y nada más. He renunciado a ese cofre del tesoro d...
Fools Gold [Turkish translation]
Hey, bana gösterebilir misin, Daha önce görmediğim bir şey? Sihir numaraları ve korsan gemileri, Artık işe yaramıyor. Mağazadaki hazine sandığından um...
For You lyrics
For you, dear I'd lose my tongue to talk, dear No whispers in the dark, dear For you I would And if you, dear Found my words were unclear And my voice...
For You [German translation]
For you, dear I'd lose my tongue to talk, dear No whispers in the dark, dear For you I would And if you, dear Found my words were unclear And my voice...
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