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Gemini (Sweden) lyrics
Mio, min Mio
Genom rosengården med de silverpopplar Går jag med min fader, håller hårt hans hand Och från det högsta trädet hör jag en ensam fågel Sjunga om det gr...
Mio, min Mio [English translation]
Through the garden of roses with its silver populuses I walk with my father holding his hand tight And from the highest tree I hear a lonely bird Sing...
Mio, min Mio [Tongan translation]
'I he gnoue fuifui lose mo 'ene kautaha lanu siliva 'Oku ou lue mo 'eku tamai pea 'oku ou puke ke ma'u hono nima Pea mei he 'ovava ma'olunga 'aupito, ...
Another You, Another Me lyrics
Love at first sight, Shadow in the wake of night Taking shape and body In the morning light... We were so sure This could never have happened before: ...
Another You, Another Me [French translation]
Le coup de foudre, Ombre après la tombée de la nuit Qui prennait forme et corps Dans la lumière du matin... Nous étions si convaincus Que cela ne s'ét...
Beat the heat lyrics
My feet can feel the pavement Turn to a hot-plate The city streets Are nearly melting away This is July Sirocco winds are coming down From the sky The...
Beat the heat [Russian translation]
Чувствую как тротуар под ногами превращается в жаровню. Городские улицы уже почти тают. Это июль. Ветра сирокко спускаются с небес. Собаки задыхаются,...
Do It For Love lyrics
We’re living at the edge of the night Waiting for the rise after dark And they will listen to the things we said So now we'll call out to the wind And...
Do It For Love [German translation]
Wir leben am Rande der Nacht Wir warten auf den Aufgang nach der Dunkelheit Und sie werden auf die Dinge hören, die wir gesagt haben, Deshalb werden w...
Do It For Love [Portuguese translation]
Estamos a viver na margem da noite Esperando pelo nascer depois do escuro E eles vão ouvir as coisas que nós dissemos Então agora vamos chamar para o ...
Do It For Love [Russian translation]
Мы живем на окраине ночи Ожидаем восхода, что последует за темнотой И они будут вслушиваться в наши слова Так что, теперь мы станем взывать к ветру. С...
Have Mercy lyrics
There's a wave of quiet anger In the streets tonight And a sense of loss and sorrow mixed with helpless fright As a newborn hope was rising it was cru...
Have Mercy [French translation]
Il y a une vague de légère colère Dans les rues, ce soir. Il y a aussi un sentiment de perte et de désolation Les deux mêlés à une irrépressible peur....
Have Mercy [Portuguese translation]
Há uma onda de raiva calma pelas ruas esta noite E uma sensação de perda e tristeza misturada ao medo impotente Como uma esperança recém-nascida que e...
Have Mercy [Russian translation]
Этой ночью по улицам катится волна тихой злости И чувствуются потеря и печаль смешанные с беспомощным страхом Новорожденную надежду беспощадно смели И...
Have Mercy [Serbian translation]
Postoji talas tihog besa Na ulicama večeras I osećaj gubitka i tuge pomešan sa bespomoćnim strahom Dok se novorođena nada dizala bila je okrutno počiš...
Have Mercy [Spanish translation]
Hay una ola de ira silenciosa En las calles esta noche Y una sensación de pérdida y tristeza mezclada con miedo que no se puede evitar A medida que un...
Have Mercy [Turkish translation]
Biraz kızgınlık dalgası var Caddelerde bu gece Ve kayıp hissi ile hüzün Çaresizliğin korkusuyla karışık Çünkü bir yeni doğum umudu yükseliyordu Zalimc...
I'm a bitch when I see red lyrics
Well I've washed your laundry and I've ironed your shirts Putting up with being only the wife While you did your thing and never let me live my life I...
Just Like That lyrics
The hours pass so slowly now that he's gone one day is like another but they move on Somehow I have returned to the land of the living but badly burne...
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