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Puddles Pity Party lyrics
The Wonder of You lyrics
When no-one else can understand me When everything I do is wrong You give me hope and consolation You give me strength to carry on And you're always t...
Space Oddity lyrics
Ground Control to Major Tom, Ground Control to Major Tom, Take your protein pills and put your helmet on. Ground Control to Major Tom Commencing count...
Space Oddity [Serbian translation]
Земаљска контрола мајору Тому, земаљска контрола мајору Тому, узмите протеинске пилуле и ставите кацигу. Земаљска контрола мајору Тому, почињемо одбро...
Remember Me
Remember me Though I have to say goodbye Remember me Don't let it make you cry For even if I'm far away I hold you in my heart I sing a secret song to...
Remember Me [Serbian translation]
Сети ме се, иако морам да кажем збогом. Сети ме се, немој да те то расплаче, јер чак и ако сам далеко, носим те у срцу. Певам ти тајну песму сваке ноћ...
All the Small Things
All the small things True care truth brings I'll take one lift Your ride best trip Always I know You'll be at my show Watching, waiting, commiserating...
All the Small Things [Serbian translation]
Све мале ствари, права брига коју истина доноси. Узећу превоз, возиш на најбоља путовања, Увек, знам, бићеш у мом шоу. Гледаћеш, чекаћеш, саосећаћеш.....
Mad World
All around me are familiar faces Worn out places, worn out faces Bright and early for their daily races Going nowhere, going nowhere Their tears are f...
Mad World [Serbian translation]
All around me are familiar faces Worn out places, worn out faces Bright and early for their daily races Going nowhere, going nowhere Their tears are f...
Boulevard of Broken Dreams lyrics
I walk along the street of sorrow The boulevard of broken dreams Where gigolo and gigolette Can take a kiss without regret So they forget their broken...
Boulevard of Broken Dreams [Serbian translation]
Ходам улицом туге, булеваром срушених снова, где жиголо и жиголета могу да се љубе без кајања, тако да могу да забораве срушене снове. Вечерас се смеј...
Desperados Under the Eaves
I was sitting in the Hollywood Hawaiian Hotel I was staring in my empty coffee cup I was thinking that the gypsy wasn't lyin' All the salty margaritas...
Desperados Under the Eaves [Serbian translation]
Седео сам у холивудском хавајском хотелу, бленуо у празну шољу кафе и мислио како циганка није лагала. Попићу све слане маргарите у Лос Анђелесу. А ак...
Come Cry With Me lyrics
I know he’s hurt you, Well, baby, I’ve been hurt, too, There’s nothing anyone can do. And I know in time the pain may go, But it’s the lonelines that ...
Come Cry With Me [Serbian translation]
Знам да те је повредио, па, душо, и ја сам био повређен, нико ту не може ништа да уради. И знам да с временом бол може да прође, али усамљеност је оно...
Crying in the Rain lyrics
I'll never let you see The way my broken heart is hurtin' me I've got my pride and I know how to hide All my sorrow and pain I'll do my cryin' in the ...
Heaven lyrics
Beyond the rules of religion The cloth of conviction Above all the competition Where fact and fiction meet There's no color lines cast or classes Ther...
Heaven [Serbian translation]
Beyond the rules of religion The cloth of conviction Above all the competition Where fact and fiction meet There's no color lines cast or classes Ther...
I Hope lyrics
Sometime, somewhere We're gonna meet again, I know And I won't love you anymore I hope Somewhere, somehow You're gonna need me Like I'm needing you ri...
I Hope [Serbian translation]
Некад, негде, срешћемо се опет, знам и ја те више нећу волети, надам се. Негде, некако, требаћу ти као што ти мени требаш сада, надам се. Наставите пл...
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