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Brandy lyrics
Long Distance [French translation]
Il y a seulement tant de chansons que je peux chanter pour passer le temps et je ne sais plus que faire pour te sortir de mon esprit tout ce que j'ai ...
Long Distance [Polish translation]
Jest tylko tyle piosenek, ile mogę zaśpiewać, by minął czas Już prawie nie mam co robić, by pozbyć się ciebie z mych myśli Wszystko, co mam, to to zdj...
No such thing as too late lyrics
I know you’re thinking I’d be tripping, Thinking I’d be playing, you’ll be saying I’m into you. Just take a second, and listen Cause I ain’t into layi...
Right Here [Departed] lyrics
When you feel your heart's guarded, And you see the breaks started, And when the clouds have all departed, You'll be right here with me, B rock... Dar...
Right Here [Departed] [Hungarian translation]
Mikor érzed, hogy a szívedet pajzs védi És látod, ahogy beindulnak a fékek És mikor a felhők már mind elvonultak Te pont itt leszel velem B rock... Da...
Should I Go? lyrics
[Verse 1] I'm Standing On The Edge Of The Industry Wondering If It's All That Important To Me To Get My Records Back Out There On The Street It Ain't ...
Sittin' Up In My Room lyrics
[Verse 1] Seems like ever since the first day we met There is no one else I think of more than you Can't seem to forget, can't get you out my head Gue...
Starting Now lyrics
There's a girl I find In my reflection, she is smart and kind Don't need protection, she's a warrior And she is waiting for you just around the bend W...
Starting Now [Finnish translation]
On tyttö jonka löydän Peilikuvastani - Hän on viisas ja kiltti Ei suojelua tarvitse - Hän on soturi Ja hän sinua odottaa joen kulman takana Missä joka...
Starting Now [German translation]
Es gibt ein Mädchen, das ich finde, in meinem Spiegelbild. Sie ist schlau und freundlich Braucht keinen Schutz, sie ist eine Kämpferin Und sie wartet ...
Starting Now [Portuguese translation]
Há uma garota que eu encontro Em meu reflexo ela é inteligente e gentil Não precisa de proteção, ela é uma guerreira E ela está esperando por você log...
Starting Now [Romanian translation]
E o fată ce O găsesc în reflexia mea, e isteață și bună Nu are nevoie de protecție e o războinică Și te așteaptă, chiar după colț Unde în fiecare zi e...
Starting Now [Ukrainian translation]
Ось ця дівчина У відзеркаленні, добра і чудна І сильна вдалині, вона воїн є Й тебе чекає, де нерівний річки плин. Ти герой, що пітьму осіяє усім, Ти в...
True lyrics
In your arms I feel right at home, That's the feeling I ain't felt before. If you're feeling the same way then let me know, Cause there's nothing wors...
True [Serbian translation]
U tvojim rukama osećam se kao kod kuće, To je osećanje koja pre nisam osetila. Ako se osećaš na isti način onda me obavesti, Jer ne postoji ništa gore...
What about us? lyrics
[R. Jerkins] Whoo! Yeah, darkchild B-Rock let's go Why don't you return my calls? Why you trip out where I be? You don't ever come to see me You say t...
What about us? [Arabic translation]
[R. Jerkins] اووووه! نعم ، الفتاه السمراء دعنا نذهب لماذا لا تراجع مكالماتي؟ لماذا تذهب إلى حيث أكون؟ أنت لا تأتي ابدا لتراني كنت تقول إنك مشغول جدا (...
What about us? [Hungarian translation]
[R. Jerkins] Whoo! Igen, Darkchild* B-Rock, gyerünk Miért nem válaszolsz a hívásaimra? Miért tipegsz ki onnan, ahol én vagyok? Sosem jössz el meglátog...
What about us? [Turkish translation]
[R. Jerkins] Huuu ! Pekala ,darkchild* B-Rock* hadi gidelim Nedenaramalarıma cevap vermiyorsun ? Neden bulunduğumyerde uyuşturucu alıp uçuyorsun Hiç b...
Who Is She 2 U lyrics
Don't even think about callin' me crazy. You know you peeped that lady. And when I turned and looked at you, you tried to play it off, but I could tel...
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