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Juan Luis Guerra featuring lyrics
Cuando me enamoro [English translation]
IfI could lower you a star from the sky, I'd do it thoughtlessly twice, because I love you, And onwards it shines... And if my feelings could ship wre...
Cuando me enamoro [English translation]
If I could give you a star from the sky I would do it without thinking twice because I love you, as far as the bright star And if I have shipwrecked f...
Cuando me enamoro [English translation]
Ohh, oh, ooh, oooh If I could pull down a star from the sky I would do it without thinking twice because I love you, oh even a morning star And if I h...
Cuando me enamoro [English translation]
If I could catch a star for you, I wouldn't think it twice, because I love you, ay And even a bright star, ay And if my feelings shipwrecked I would b...
Cuando me enamoro [English translation]
If I could bring down a star from the sky for you I would do it without thinking twice Because I love you And to a bright star And if I could have a s...
Cuando me enamoro [English translation]
If I could pull down a star from the sky for you I'd do it without thinking twice because I love you Up to a bright star If I had the shipwreck of a f...
Cuando me enamoro [English translation]
If I could take down a star for you from the sky, I would do it without thinking it twice, because I love you, aye And even a bright star, ahh And if ...
Cuando me enamoro [French translation]
Si je pouvais te faire descendre une étoile du ciel Je le ferai sans y penser à deux fois, parce que je t'aime, ay Et même un astre brillant, ay Et si...
Cuando me enamoro [German translation]
Wenn ich einen Stern vom Himmel holen könnte Ich würde es tun ohne zwei Mal darüber nachzudenken, weil ich dich liebe, ay Sogar einen Stern Und wenn m...
Cuando me enamoro [Greek translation]
Αν μπορούσα να κατεβάσω ένα αστέρι από τον ουρανό θα το έκανα χωρίς να το σκεφτώ δυο φορές, γιατί σε θέλω, ακόμα και τον αυγερινό Και αν είχα το ναυάγ...
Cuando me enamoro [Hungarian translation]
Ha le tudnék hozni egy csillagot az égről Nem gondolkodnék kétszer, mert szeretlek téged, oh És egy csillag, oh És ha nálam volt a süllyedő érzés Ez e...
Cuando me enamoro [Italian translation]
Se riuscissi a prendere una stella dal cielo lo farei senza pensarci due volte perché ti amo e sarebbe un astro,ay E se i miei sentimenti potessero na...
Cuando me enamoro [Korean translation]
하늘의 별을 딸 수 있다면 두 번 생각할 필요 없이 그렇게 하겠어. 널 원하니까. 샛별까지도. 내 감정이 침몰한다면 난 당신의 욕망이라는 섬에 있는 돛단배겠지. 오~ 너의 욕망이라는, 오~ 하지만 마음속으로는 할 수 없다는 걸 알아 그리곤 한 번씩 자신감을 잃어. 내가...
Cuando me enamoro [Persian translation]
اگه میتونستم ستاره ای رو از آسمون برات پایین بیارم، این کارو میکردم بدون اینکه دوبار بش فکر کنم،چون من عاشقتم،آه. حتی یک ستاره ی صبح،آه. و اگه کشتی شک...
Cuando me enamoro [Polish translation]
Jesli bym mogl zciagnac gwiazdke z nieba Zrobil bym to bez zastanawiania Poniewaz cie kocham z tad do gwiazd Gdy uczucia beda plywaly zagubione Ja bed...
Cuando me enamoro [Romanian translation]
Daca as putea sa-ti cobor o stea de pe cer As faceo fara sa ma gândesc de doua ori, pentru ca te iubesc Si chiar un luceafar... Daca as naufraga pe un...
Cuando me enamoro [Russian translation]
Если бы я мог дотянуться до небесной звезды Я бы без раздумий достал бы её дважды, потому что люблю Даже до звезды И если чувства утонут Я стану парус...
Cuando me enamoro [Serbian translation]
Kada bih mogao da dohvatim zvezdu sa neba,za tebe,uradio bih to dva puta,samo zato sto te volim. mogao big da dohvatim svaku zvezdu. I kad su mi oseca...
Cuando me enamoro [Serbian translation]
Da sam mogao da ti skinem zvezdu sa neba,uradio bih to dva puta,bez razmisljanja zato sto te volim...Da sam imao brodolom osecanja bio bih jedrilica n...
Cuando me enamoro [Slovenian translation]
Če bi ti lahko prinesel zvezdo, Bi to storil, ne da bi pomislil dvakrat, kajti ljubim te Prinesel bi ti Severnico Če bi ladja moje ljubezni potonila B...
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