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Juan Luis Guerra featuring lyrics
Cuando me enamoro lyrics
Si pudiera bajarte una estrella del cielo Lo haría sin pensarlo dos veces, porque te quiero, ay Y hasta un lucero, ay Y si tuviera el naufragio de un ...
Cuando me enamoro [Albanian translation]
sikur te mund te zbrisja nje yll nga qielli do ta beja pa menduar dy here . sepse te dua.aj dhe keshtu nje yll.aj dhe ne qofte se kam pasur ndjenja te...
Cuando me enamoro [Arabic translation]
إذا أمكنني أن أجلب نجم من السماء سأفعلها بدون التفكير مرتين, لأنني أحبك, آي أو حتى نجم حارق, آي ولو لديك جرح في مشاعرك سأكون سفينة إبحار في بحر رغباتك...
Cuando me enamoro [Bosnian translation]
Kad bih mogao da ti spustim jednu zvijezdu s neba Uradio bih to bez da dvaput razmislim, zato što te volim, ay Čak i onu najsvjetliju zvijezdu, ay I a...
Cuando me enamoro [Bulgarian translation]
Ако можех да ти сваля една звезда от небето Щях да го направя без да мисля,два пъти, защото те обичам, ах И още една звезда, ах Ако потъвах в някакво ...
Cuando me enamoro [Burmese translation]
ိမိုးေပၚက ၾကယ္ေတြ မင္းအတြက္ ယူေပးနိုင္ရင္ ငါ မင္းတြက္ ႏွစ္ခါေတာင္ ယူေပးနိုင္ပါတယ္ ၿပီးေတာ့ ငါမင္းကိုသာ ခ်စ္မိေနေသာေၾကာင့္ ဘယ္ၿဂိဳဟ္ကိုမဆို ငါသြားနိုင္...
Cuando me enamoro [Catalan translation]
Si pogués baixar-te una estrella del cel ho faria sense pensar-ho dues vegades, perquè t'estimo, ay i fins a un estel, ay. I si tingués el naufragi s'...
Cuando me enamoro [Chinese translation]
如果我能从天空中摘下一颗星星 我会这样做,毫不犹豫,因为我爱你,哦 哪怕是一颗明星,哦 如果我有一种错觉 这将是你愿望岛上的一艘帆船,哦 你的愿望,哦 但是在里面, 请理解我不能做 有时我会迷路 当我坠入爱河 当我坠入爱河,有时我会绝望 当我最不经意的时候,我坠入爱河 它让时钟停摆 灵魂回到我的身体...
Cuando me enamoro [Croatian translation]
Kad bih ti mogao spustiti zvijezdu s neba učinio bih to bez premišljanja, jer te volim, jao i do najsjajnije zvijezde, jao I da doživim brodolom osjeć...
Cuando me enamoro [Czech translation]
Kdybych mohl snést hvězdu z nebe Udělal bych to bez váhání, i dvakrát, protože tě miluju Až do hvězd, ach A pokud mé city utonou/selžou Bude ze mne čl...
Cuando me enamoro [English translation]
If I could get star from sky for you I would do it twice And only because I love you I would reach any planet And If feeling would be broken I would b...
Cuando me enamoro [English translation]
If I could bring down a star from the sky I would do it without thinking twice, because i love you Even a bright star And if i had a ship I would sail...
Cuando me enamoro [English translation]
If I could bring you a star from the heavens Id do it without thinking twice, because I love you Even to the stars , hey And if I had the shipwreck of...
Cuando me enamoro [English translation]
If I could pull a star out of the sky for you I would do it without thinking twice, because I love you, ay The brightest star of them all And if I wer...
Cuando me enamoro [English translation]
If I could take down a star for you from the sky, I would do it without thinking it twice, because I love you, aye And even a bright star, ahh And if ...
Cuando me enamoro [English translation]
If I could get a star from the sky for you I would do it without thinking twice Because I love you I would reach for the morning stars And were my hea...
Como Lluvia lyrics
Tu y yo, más que dos Carne de mi carne, hueso de mis huesos El talón de aquileas de mis pensamientos Mi política de amarte tanto que... Como lluvia en...
Como Lluvia [English translation]
You and I, more than two Flesh of my flesh, bone of my bones The Achilles Heel of my thoughts My policy of loving you so much that... Like rain in the...
Como Lluvia [German translation]
Du und ich mehr als zwei Fleisch aus meinem Fleisch, Knochen aus meinem Knochen die Achillesferse meiner Gedanken Meine Politik dich so sehr zu lieben...
Como Lluvia [Russian translation]
Ты и я, больше чем двое Плоть моего тела, кость моих костей, Ахиллесова пята моих мыслей. Моя политика любить тебя так, Словно дождь в холодной воде Я...
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