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Kent lyrics
Berg & dalvana [English translation]
On the road the traces are being wiped clean an accident becomes merely a memory Rushhour just before christmas and someone forgets a red-light When I...
Berg & dalvana [German translation]
Auf der Straße werden die Spuren weggespült von einem Unfall bleibt nur noch eine Erinnerung Rushhour kurz vor Weihnachten da vergisst jemand ein Warn...
Berg & dalvana [Polish translation]
Ślady na drodze zostały zmyte Wypadek został w odległych wspomnieniach Godziny szczytu tuż przed Świętami Ktoś nie wrzucił kierunkowskazu Gdy się zsza...
Berg & dalvana [Spanish translation]
en la carretera limpian los restos un accidente se convierte en un recuerdo La hora pico antes de Navidad Alguien olvidó una luz de advertencia Cuando...
Berlin lyrics
Visst är natten svart Visst är marken kall Men vi fryser tillsammans två benrangel skallrar i takt Du står utanför Jag står utanför Ur besvikelsen, sk...
Berlin [English translation]
Of course the night is black Of course the ground is cold But we freeze together Two skeletons shaking in sync You stand outside I stand outside Out o...
Berlin [English translation]
Isn't the night black? Isn't the ground cold? But we're freezing together Two skeletons rattling along You are outside I am outside From disappointmen...
Berlin [English translation]
Yes the night is black Yes the ground is cold But we freeze together Two skeletons rattling to the same beat You stand outside I stand outside From ou...
Berlin [German translation]
Sicher ist die Nacht schwarz, sicher ist der Boden kalt Aber wir frieren zusammen, zwei Skelette klappern im Takt Du stehst draußen, ich stehe draußen...
Berlin [Latvian translation]
Protams, nakts ir melna Protams, augsne ir auksta Bet mēs salstam kopā, divi skeleti dreb vienā ritmā Tu stāvi ārā Es stāvu ārā No vilšanās, kauna lēn...
Berlin [Polish translation]
Owszem, czarna jest noc Owszem, zimno cholernie Zamarzamy razem Dwa szkielety, marznące do rytmu Stoisz na zewnątrz Również tam jestem Poza rozczarowa...
Berlin [Russian translation]
Знаешь, ночь черна. Знаешь, земля холодна. Но мы мерзнем вместе, Два ходячих скелета гремят в такт Ты стоишь снаружи, Я стою снаружи Разочарования и с...
Berlin [Spanish translation]
Sin duda la noche es negra Sin duda la tierra es fría Pero nos congelaremos juntos Dos esqueletos temblando al unísono Eres dejada de lado Soy dejado ...
Beskyddaren lyrics
Jag försökte vara speciell jagad smal & glansigt blek men med fläckar är Jag född Jag hade nästan glömt Jag ville vara spirituell En gnistrande person...
Beskyddaren [English translation]
I tried to be special hunted, thin and lustrous pale but with spots I am born I had almost forgotten I wanted to be spiritual a sparkling personality ...
Beskyddaren [English translation]
I tried to be special Narrowly hunted and glazed pale But with spots I am born I almost forgot I wanted to be spiritual A sparkling personality But yo...
Beskyddaren [English translation]
I tried to be special Chased, slim, and shimmering pale But with marks I was born I had almost forgotten I wanted to be spiritual A shining personalit...
Beskyddaren [English translation]
I tried to be special chased thin & shiny pale but with spots I'm born I had almost forgotten I wanted to be spiritual A sparkling personality but it ...
Beskyddaren [German translation]
Ich wollte etwas Besonderes sein gejagd, dünn & schimmernd blass Aber mit Flecken bin ich geboren Ich hab es fast vergessen Ich wollte spirituell sein...
Bianca [eng] lyrics
Reward me now With high demands And clean dry skin An even tan Reward me now And shake my hand A leadership A high command Like an empty colourslide I...
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