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Dave Matthews Band lyrics
Satellite in my eyes Like a diamond in the sky How I wonder. Satellite strung from the moon And the world your balloon Peeping Tom for the mother stat...
Satellite [Greek translation]
Δορυφόρος στα μάτια μου Σαν διαμάντι στον ουρανό Πως αναρωτιέμαι Δορυφόρος κρεμήθηκε απ'το φεγγάρι Και ο κόσμος είναι το μπαλόνι σου Ματάκιας για τον ...
Ants marching lyrics
He wakes up in the morning Does his teeth bite to eat and he's rolling Never changes a thing The week ends the week begins She thinks, we look at each...
Bartender lyrics
And if I go, before I'm old Oh brother of mine, please don't forget me if I go And if I die, before my time Oh sweet sister of mine, do not regret me ...
Bartender [Romanian translation]
Şi dacă mă duc înainte de a fi bătrân, fratele meu, te rog, nu mp uita dacă mă duc... Şi dacă mor, înaintea timpului meu, draga mea soră, nu mă regret...
Gravedigger lyrics
Cyrus Jones 1810 to 1913 Made his great grandchildren believe You could live to 103 A hundred and three is forever when you're just a little kid So, C...
Gravedigger [French translation]
Cyrus Jones, 1810 à 1913 A fait croire à ses petits-enfants qu'on pouvait vivre jusqu'à 103 ans Cent trois c'est pour toujours quand t'es juste un enf...
Gravedigger [Romanian translation]
Cyrus Jones, născut în 1810, mort în 1913 Şi-a făcut nepoţii să creadă că poţi trăi 103 ani 103 ani e "pentru totdeauna" când eşti doar un puşti, aşa ...
Gravedigger [Spanish translation]
Cyrus Jones 1810 a 19131 Hizo sus bisnietos creer Que uno puede vivir hasta los 1032 Ciento tres es para siempre cuando no eres nada más que un niño A...
Here on out lyrics
Out of the corner of my eye I caught you walk by I chase you down Is it okay if I call you mine From here on out? As if I could ever stop You are ligh...
Here on out [Spanish translation]
Por el rabillo de mi ojo Alcancé a verte pasar Te persigo ¿Está bien si te llamo "mía" De aquí en adelante? Como si pudiera parar Eres tan ligera como...
So damn lucky lyrics
Everything's different With my head in the clouds I hit this corner With my foot on the gas I started sliding, I lose it Everything's different just l...
So damn lucky [Romanian translation]
Totu-i diferit cu capul în nori lovesc acest colţ cu piciorul pe acceleraţie încep să alunec, pierd totu-i diferit aşa... Doamne, aşteaptă şi vezi ce ...
Some Devil lyrics
One last kiss, one only Then I'll let you go Hard for you I've fallen But you can't break my fall I'm broken don't break me When I hit the ground Some...
Some Devil [Russian translation]
Один последний поцелуй, только один Тогда уж, я отпущу тебя Тебе тяжело, что я влюбилась в тебя Но ты не можешь заставить меня от тебя отказаться Я сл...
Some Devil [Russian translation]
Последний поцелуй, один-единственный, Прежде, чем я отпущу тебя. Тебе тяжело, А я совсем раздавлен, И ты не облегчаешь ситуацию. Я сломлен, не добивай...
Some Devil [Turkish translation]
Son bir öpücük, sadece bir tane Sonra yol vereceğim sana Sana aşık olmuş olmam zor senin için Ama aşkımdan vazgeçiremessin beni Yaralıyım ben, yarama ...
The Space Between lyrics
You cannot quit me so quickly Is no hope in you for me No corner you could squeeze me But I got all the time for you, love The space between the tears...
The Space Between [Romanian translation]
Nu mă poţi părăsi aşa de repede, Nu mai există nici o speranţă în tine pentru mine, Nici un ungher în care tu să mă înghesui, Dar eu am tot timpul pen...
Two Step lyrics
Hey, my love, I came to you with best intentions You laid down and gave to me just what I'm seeking Love , you drive me to distraction Hey my love do ...
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