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Julian Perretta lyrics
Closer to you lyrics
Don't know Could be pain, could be pleasure When you go, it gets me so low Could I ever get closer to you? (Closer to you) All I want is Your skin on ...
Feel Better lyrics
Tell me a secret, you know I won't repeat it And if I keep it, you know I won't believe that I'm trying Oh you know I am trying I thought I'd dreamed ...
Feel Better [French translation]
Tell me a secret, you know I won't repeat it And if I keep it, you know I won't believe that I'm trying Oh you know I am trying I thought I'd dreamed ...
Generation X lyrics
(Generation X, X, X, X, X, oh ah oh ! Generation X, X, X, X, X, oh ah oh ! Generation X, X, X, X, X, oh ah oh ! Generation X, X, X, X, X, oh ah oh !) ...
Generation X [French translation]
(Génération X, X, X, X, X, oh ah oh ! Génération X, X, X, X, X, oh ah oh ! Génération X, X, X, X, X, oh ah oh ! Génération X, X, X, X, X, oh ah oh !) ...
I Cry lyrics
I cry I cry I cry I cry So hard to think about What we could have been Where love could have taken us Blame it on the wind and cry, cry, cry, You know...
I Cry [Dutch translation]
Ik huil Ik huil Ik huil Ik huil Het is zo moeilijk om te denken over wat we konden geweest zijn Waar brengt liefde ons heen Spelen op de wind en huile...
I Cry [French translation]
Je pleure Je pleure Je pleure Je pleure C'est dur de penser à ce qu'on aurait pu être Où l'amour nous aurait pu nous emmener Je joue sous le vent et p...
I Cry [German translation]
Ich weine Ich weine Ich weine Ich weine Es ist so schwer, darüber nachzudenken, was wir haben könnte Wo bringt uns lieben Weinen Weinen Weinen Du weiß...
I Cry [Romanian translation]
Plâng Plâng Plâng Plâng Atât de greu să mă gândesc La ce am fi putut fi Unde dragostea ne-ar fi putut duce Dă vina pe vânt și plângi, plângi, plângi Ș...
I Cry [Serbian translation]
Plačem Plačem Plačem Plačem Teško je misliti o tome šta smo mogli biti Gde može ljubav da nas odvede Okrivim vetar i plačem, plačem, plačem Ti znaš za...
If I'm Being Honest lyrics
Girl, I know what you're thinking That we're taking this way too fast, But I know this is a different feeling, Something stronger than I've ever had. ...
Karma lyrics
Karma, karma come and do your part Karma, karma 'cause she broke my heart And even though you’re such a bitch I need you now Karma, karma don’t you le...
Karma [Turkish translation]
Karma,karma gel ve parçam ol. Karma,karma 'çünkü o kalbimi kırdı.' Ve böylesine sürtük olsan bile şimdi sana ihtiyacım var. Karma,karma beni yüzüstü b...
Kings and Queens lyrics
I remember when you told me, That the world is gonna pay. But while the buildings will be burning, All the kings and queens will play. All our lives w...
Kings and Queens [French translation]
I remember when you told me, That the world is gonna pay. But while the buildings will be burning, All the kings and queens will play. All our lives w...
Miracle lyrics
When the leaves turn brown I watched it burn Across the sun and above the clouds The sirens clear I'm ready to fall and find a lover that was meant fo...
Miracle [Dutch translation]
Wanneer de bladeren bruin worden Zag ik het branden Over de zon en boven de wolken De sirenes duidelijk Ik ben klaar om te vallen en een geliefde te v...
Miracle [French translation]
Quand les feuilles brunissent Je l'ai regardé brûler À travers soleil et au dessus des nuages Les sirènes sont claires Je suis prêt à tomber et à trou...
Miracle [German translation]
Wenn die Blätter braun werden Sehe ich zu wie es brennt Jenseits der Sonne und über den Wolken Die Sirenen so klar Ich bin bereit mich fallen zu lasse...
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