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Maggie Lindemann lyrics
Human [Turkish translation]
30 cevapsız çağrım var Başka bir geceden kalmayım Ve duvarlarla konuşuyordum Biraz aklımdan çıkmış gibi hissediyorum Sen bilmiyorsun bile, bilmiyorsun...
Knife Under My Pillow lyrics
Sorry, I don't mean to freak you out But I hear someone inside my house Heart racing, keeping me awake Paranoia slipping in Checking all the locks aga...
Knife Under My Pillow [Russian translation]
Извини, я не хотела тебя пугать. Но я слышу, как кто-то ходит в моём доме. Сердце бешено колотится, не давая мне уснуть. Паранойя пробирается во внутр...
Knocking On Your Heart lyrics
Nothing makes it hard to breathe Like being in your company When you've got someone new around your arms I thought I'd be over it To see you lock with...
Knocking On Your Heart [Greek translation]
Τίποτα δεν το κάνει δύσκολο να αναπνεύσω Όπως να είμαι στην παρέα σου Όταν έχεις κάποια καινούρια γύρω στα χέρια σου Νόμιζα πως θα το ξεπεράσω Να σε β...
Knocking On Your Heart [Turkish translation]
Hiçbirşey nefes almayı zorlaştırmaz. Şirketinde olmak gibi Kollarının arasında yeni birini bulduğunda Bittim diye düşündüm. Dudaklarının başkasınınkil...
Little Things lyrics
You wake me with kisses You make my hair a mess I'm not wearing makeup You say I look my best You got that realness You're so beautiful Never wanna le...
Little Things [Greek translation]
You wake me with kisses You make my hair a mess I'm not wearing makeup You say I look my best You got that realness You're so beautiful Never wanna le...
Little Things [Hungarian translation]
You wake me with kisses You make my hair a mess I'm not wearing makeup You say I look my best You got that realness You're so beautiful Never wanna le...
Little Things [Turkish translation]
You wake me with kisses You make my hair a mess I'm not wearing makeup You say I look my best You got that realness You're so beautiful Never wanna le...
Loner lyrics
They say avoidance never heals but this sure feels good Gonna stay here a couple more minutes than I should Gonna take a couple shots and numb my feel...
Obsessed lyrics
Baby, you got somethin' special Your body is a work of art But we got a little issue I feel your chest, but I can't find your heart Got more muscles t...
Obsessed [Italian translation]
Amore, tu hai qualcosa di speciale Il tuo corpo è un’opera d’arte Ma abbiamo un piccolo problema Sento il tuo petto, ma non posso trovare il tuo cuore...
Obsessed [Romanian translation]
Dragule, ai ceva special Corpul tău este o operă de artă Dar avem o mică problemă Îți simt pieptul, dar nu-ți găsesc inima Ai mai mulți mușchi decât o...
Obsessed [Turkish translation]
Bebeğim, sende özel bir şey var Vücudun sanat eseri Ama bizim küçük bir problemimiz var Göğsünü hissediyorum, ama kalbini bulamıyorum Okyanustan daha ...
Pretty Girl lyrics
I can swear, I can joke I say what's on my mind If I drink, if I smoke I keep up with the guys And you see me holding up my middle finger to the world...
Pretty Girl [Arabic translation]
بإمكاني أن أُقسِم، بإمكاني أن أمزح أنا أقول ما بخاطري إذا كنت أشرب، إذا كنت أدخن أبقى مع الشباب و تراني رافعة إصبعي الأوسط للعالم تبــاً لأوشحتكم و مج...
Pretty Girl [Azerbaijani translation]
Mən söyə bilərəm, zarafat edə bilərəm Ağlıma nə gəlirsə, onu deyirəm İçsəm də, çəksəm də, Oğlanlara çatsam da... Və görursən ki, dünyaya orta barmağım...
Pretty Girl [Croatian translation]
Mogu se zakleti, mogu se šaliti Kažem što mislim Ako pijem, ako pušim Idem u korak s dečkima I vidiš me kako pokazujem srednji prst svijetu Jebeš tvoj...
Pretty Girl [Czech translation]
Můžu přísahat, můžu vtipkovat říkám co si myslím Když piju, když kouřím vyrážím si s lidmi a ty mě uvidíš ukazovat můj prostředníček světu seru na tvo...
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