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Maggie Lindemann lyrics
Couple Of Kids lyrics
Take me back to the night, we met in the yard Climbing up to the roof, hidden in the dark With a bottle of wine for two, though I'm already drunk off ...
Couple Of Kids [French translation]
Ramène moi a la nuit où nous nous sommes rencontrés dans la cour Escalader les toit, se cacher dans le noir Avec une bouteille de vin pour deux, bien ...
Couple Of Kids [German translation]
Ich möchte mit dir nochmals die Nacht erleben als wir uns im Hof trafen Das Dach hochkletterten unter dem Deckmantel der Dunkelheit Mit einer Flasche ...
Couple Of Kids [German translation]
Bring mich zurück in die Nacht, als wir uns im Hof trafen, Das Dach hinaufkletterten, versteckt in der Dunkelheit, Mit einer Weinflasche für zwei, obw...
Couple Of Kids [Greek translation]
Πήγαινε με πίσω στην νύχτα, που συναντηθήκαμε στην αυλή Σκαρφαλώνοντας στην οροφή, κρυβόμασταν στο σκοτάδι Με ένα μπουκάλι κρασί για δύο, αν και ήμουν...
Couple Of Kids [Turkish translation]
Beni o geceye geri götür,avluda tanıştığımız Çatıya tırmanıp,karanlıkta saklanıyoruz İkimiz için olan bir şişe şarapla,çoktan sana sarhoş olduğumu düş...
Crash and Burn lyrics
I know that people change But I thought that we would stay the same In a web of your lies Didn't give me a good reason why A stupid fight Set us aligh...
Crash and Burn [Russian translation]
Я знаю, люди меняются Но я надеялась, что мы останемся такими, как прежде В сети твоей лжи Ты не дал мне ответа "почему?" Глупая ссора Зажигает нас По...
Crash and Burn [Turkish translation]
İnsanların değişebileceğini biliyorum Ama bizim aynı kalacağımızı düşünürdüm Yalanlarının ağında Bana iyi bir neden vermedin Aptal bir savaş Bizi ateş...
Different lyrics
2 a.m., windows down, drivin' on the 405 Only got two hours left 'til I catch my flight If I disappeared, would they call my name at my gate? Why do m...
Maggie Lindemann - Friends Go
[Intro] Where did all my friends go? [Verse 1] I miss those late nights Just you and I up in my bedroom 'til sunrise Could spend the whole night talki...
Friends Go [Greek translation]
[Intro] Που πήγαν όλοι οι φίλοι μου; [Verse 1] Μου λείπουν αυτά τα ξενύχτια Μόνο εσύ και εγώ ξύπνιοι στο δωμάτιο μου μέχρι να ξημερώσει Θα μπορούσα να...
Friends Go [Hebrew translation]
(מבוא) לאן כל החברים שלי הלכו? (פסוק 1) אני מתגעגעת לאותם לילות מאוחרים רק אתה ואני בחדר השינה שלי עד הזריחה יכולתי לבלות את כל הלילה בלדבר איתך אפילו...
Friends Go [Italian translation]
[Intro] Dove sono andati tutti i miei amici? [Strofa 1] Mi mancano le notti fonde Solo voi ed io svegli in camera mia fino all'alba Potevo passare tut...
Friends Go [Portuguese translation]
[Intro] Para onde todos os meus amigos foram? [Verso 1] Tenho saudades dessas noites Só você e eu no meu quarto acordados até o amanhecer Poderia fala...
Friends Go [Turkish translation]
Tüm arkadaşlarım nereye gitti? O geceleri özlüyorum Gün doğana kadar, yatak odamda, sadece sen ve ben uyanıktık Tüm geceyi seninle konuşarak geçirebil...
Friends Go [Turkish translation]
[Intro] Bütün arkadaşlarım nereye gitti? [Verse 1] O geç geceleri özledim Sadece sen ve ben yatak odamda güneşin doğumuna kadar uyanık Bütün geceyi se...
GASLIGHT! lyrics
Gas light Joy ride Land slide Fuck life Twist the knife Broken heart and paralyzed Gas light Joy ride Land slide Fuck life Watch your back Lead me to ...
Human lyrics
I’ve got like 30 missed calls Staying in another night And I've been talking to the walls Feel a bit out of my mind You don't even know, you don't eve...
Human [Hungarian translation]
Van vagy 30 nem fogadott hívásom Még egy éjszakát itthon töltök És a falakhoz beszélek Kicsit őrültnek érzem magam Még csak nem is tudod, még csak nem...
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