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Oliver Koletzki lyrics
Karambolage lyrics
Dirk Schmidt traurig, sowas wie sie kommt nie wieder. Nachtzug Amsterdam Fenster. Schienen, die rattern, und Gleise sein Herz auf der Durchreise. der ...
Karambolage [English translation]
Dirk Schmidt is sad; something like her will never come along again. Night train to Amersterdam, window seat. Rails that rattle and tracks his heart i...
Karambolage [Russian translation]
Дирк Шмидт опечален, такой, как она, больше не будет. Он на пути в Амстердам и смотрит в окно. Грохочут рельсы ж/д путей, И его сердце в пути. Он отго...
U-Bahn lyrics
Dieser Tunnel riecht nach Kippen, Dreck und Teer Ich wünsch mir oft er führte raus zum Meer Aber in diesem unterirdischen Gewirr Gibt's keinen Weg ins...
U-Bahn [English translation]
This tunnel smells like cigarettes, dirt and tar I often wish that he leads me out to the sea But in this subterranean tangle Don't exist any way to t...
Bones lyrics
I have a bone to pick with you cause you're lazy like a bone you pull all the stops Lies all are said and done lies soon catch up with one you pull al...
Bones [Russian translation]
У меня есть проблема с тобой! Потому что ты совсем не двигаешься, прямо как кость. Ты растягиваешь перерывы... Вся ложь была уже сказана и со всем пок...
Echoes lyrics
It´s late at night I´m still awake Though I´m a scientist No need to analyse this I will remember this for sure - this very night that changed it all ...
Echoes [Russian translation]
Уже ночь, Я все еще не сплю, Хоть мне и близка наука, Но нет необходимости анализировать это Я точно буду помнить об этом, Именно эта ночь изменила вс...
Hypnotized lyrics
I catch your eyes, try not to smile I track your style, I feel your vibes We have a drink, then go outside Talk for a while and then we kiss And then ...
Hypnotized [French translation]
J'accroche ton regard, j'essaye de ne pas sourire J'observe ton style, je sens tes vibrations. On prend un verre puis on va dehors, on discute un peu ...
Hypnotized [German translation]
Ich springe dir ins Auge, versuche nicht zu lachen Ich verfolge deinen Stil, ich fühle deine Stimmung Wir trinken etwas zusammen, gehen dann raus Rede...
Hypnotized [Spanish translation]
Percibo tu mirada tratando de no sonreír. Sigo tu estilo, siento tus vibras. Tomamos un trago, salimos fuera. Hablamos por un rato y luego nos besamos...
It's A Pleasure To Meet You lyrics
It's a pleasure to meet you, I'd like to be your friend. It's a pleasure to meet you, I'd love to hold your hand. It's a pleasure to meet you, I'm gla...
These Habits lyrics
Between pleasure and pain exists a fluid line I've let it happen again, to fall in love If you break someone’s heart they say that you are unkind I've...
You See Red lyrics
Feels like dreaming while lying on a bed of nails. We're just pretending. We both know what the end entails. And that dream has turned into a nightmar...
You See Red [French translation]
Il se sent rêveur, allongé sur un lit de clous. Nous faisons juste semblant. Nous savons tous les deux ce que la fin entraîne. Et ce rêve s'est changé...
You See Red [Serbian translation]
Imam osećaj da sanjam dok ležim na krevetu od klina, Mi se samo pravimo Šta znači kraj, oboje znamo I da se san u noćnu moru pretvorio Uzeo si mi srce...
You See Red [Turkish translation]
Çivili bir yatakta yatarken rüya görüyor gibi hisseder Biz sadece rol yapıyoruz Sonucun neyi gerektirdiğini ikimiz de biliyoruz Ve bu rüya bir kabusa ...
Zuckerwatte lyrics
Heute, heute Abend geh'n wir spazier'n. Die Lichter, Lichter blinken, mein Atem gefriert. Die Karusselle kreisen, dein Lachen vibriert. Heute, heute A...
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