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Jacob Lee lyrics
I Belong To You [Greek translation]
Αν θα μπορούσα να εκφραστώ ειλικρινά, εδώ και τώρα Ένιωθα τόσο αγχωμένος να σταθώ εδώ μαζί σου Βρίσκονται όλοι εδώ για χάρη μας και την αύρα τους αισθ...
I Belong To You [Italian translation]
A essere onesto, adesso Mi sento nervoso a stare qui con te Sono tutti qui per noi e sento la loro aura Ma solo per un momento fingerò che ci sia solo...
I Belong To You [Romanian translation]
Cu sinceritate , aici în astă clipă Așa emoționat fost-am , să fiu aici cu tine Toți sunt aici pentru noi , și aura le-o simt Dar pentru o clipă am să...
I Belong To You [Russian translation]
если бы я мог быть честен, здесь, в этот момент я был так взволнован стоять тут с тобой все они здесь ради нас и я чувствую их ауру но на момент я пре...
I Belong To You [Spanish translation]
Si pudiera ser honesto, aquí en este momento Estoy tan nervioso de pie aquí contigo Todos ellos estan aqui por nosotros y siento su aura Pero solo por...
I Belong To You [Turkish translation]
Şu an burada dürüst olursam Burada seniñle durduğum için çok gerginim Onlarıñ hepsi bizim için burada ve auralarını seziyorum Ama bir anlığına tek sen...
I Just Know lyrics
[Verse 1] Teach my lungs to breathe underwater Teach my heart to beat without her I taught her, I taught her Guide my feet towards the altar Close my ...
I Just Know [Italian translation]
[Strofa 1] Insegna ai miei polmoni a respirare sott'acqua Insegna al mio cuore a battere senza di lei Gliel'ho insegnato, gliel'ho insegnato Guida i m...
I Just Know [Turkish translation]
[Dize 1] Su altında akciğerlerime nefes almayı öğret, Onsuz kalbimin nasıl atacağını öğret Ona öğrettim, ona öğrettim Ayaklarımı değişime doğru yönler...
I Still Know You lyrics
The sparrows tend to fall asleep The wind doesn't speak to me no more The water that becomes to sea It holds me until I can't breathe at all I dream o...
Knowledge lyrics
Sit close Let me tell you every truth I know I could read you poetry and prose We could contemplate the syllables If you so wished for it If so Let yo...
Nevermind lyrics
Lyrics, Letra: Keep me awake and perhaps we will find a place where we belong All that we know is left in a world that we haven’t explored ‘Cause we d...
Oceans lyrics
I learned to let go when I was younger Scared of growing old I would swim far into the ocean And try to stay afloat Until my lungs would cough up wate...
Oceans [Greek translation]
Έμαθα να αφήνω πράγματα πίσω μου όταν ήμουν μικρότερος Φοβόμουν να μεγαλώσω Κολύμπαγα μακριά μες τον ωκεανό Και προσπαθούσα να επιπλεύσω Μέχρι να βήχο...
Oceans [Italian translation]
Ho imparato a lasciar perdere quando ero giovane Per paura di crescere Nuotavo lontano, verso l'oceano E provavo a stare a galla Finché i polmoni non ...
Oceans [Russian translation]
Я научился отпускать, когда был моложе Боясь вырасти Я бы уплыл далеко в океан И попытался бы остаться на плаву Пока мои лёгкие не наполнятся водой И ...
Reality lyrics
If I could speak to the breeze What would she teach? I'd ask politely for peace Or some guidance at least Perhaps she'd tell me to leave Conceal the s...
Secrets lyrics
I know We belong here I'm searching for a reason to come home I won't let Our hearts grow old Until we're all alone And all we have is all we'll ever ...
Secrets [French translation]
Je sais Qu'ici est notre foyer. Je cherche une raison de revenir chez-moi Je ne laisserai pas Nos cœurs vieillir Jusqu'à ce qu'on soit seuls Et que to...
Secrets [Greek translation]
Ξέρω Ανήκουμε εδώ Αναζητώ ένα λόγο για να γυρίσω σπίτι Δε θα αφησω Τις καρδιές μας να μεγαλώσουν Μέχρι να είμαστε ολομοναχοι Και αυτο που ολοι έχουμε ...
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