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Klingande lyrics
Klingande - By the River
We had such a hell of a time On the banks at the river drinking too much wine Oh yeah Ahha yeah Sat by the water smoking cigarettes Told me those word...
By the River [Persian translation]
چه اوقات خوشی داشتیم در کرانه رود چقدر که شراب نوشیدیم! هان هان کنار آب نشستیم و سیگار گیراندیم آن حرف‌هایی را که از یادم نمی‌رود گفتی هان هان وقتی با...
Jubel lyrics
Save me... One, two, three, four You think I don't laugh, oh Do things I can like so Why are we losing time I don't want to get up, oh Bring me what ...
Jubel [Croatian translation]
Spasi me... Jedan,dva,tri,četiri Ti misliš da se ne smijem,oh čini stvari koje mi se sviđaju stoga zašto gubimo vrijeme Ne želim ustati,oh donesi mi (...
Jubel [French translation]
Sauve-moi... Un, deux, trois, quatre Tu penses que je ne rigole pas, oh que je fais les choses que j'aime, alors Pourquoi perdons-nous le temps Je ne ...
Jubel [Greek translation]
Σωσε με... Ενα, δυο, τρια, τεσσερα Νομιζεις οτι δεν γελω, ω Κανε πραγματα που μπορει ναμου αρεσουν, ετσι γιατι χανουμε χρονο; Δεν θελω να ξυπνησω, ω Φ...
Jubel [Hungarian translation]
segíts, segíts, segíts egy, két, há, négy egy, két, há, négy azt hiszed nem nevetek tégy olyat mit szeretek tova tűnik az idő jelszavam a kényelem hoz...
Jubel [Portuguese translation]
Me salve... Um, dois, três, quatro Você pensa que eu não estou brincando Faço o que eu gosto Por que estamos perdendo tempo? Não quero mais me levanta...
Jubel [Romanian translation]
Salveaza-ma... Unu, doi, trei, patru Tu crezi ca eu nu rad, oh Fa lucruri care pot sa imi placa De ce pierzi timpul Nu vreau sa ma ridic Adu-mi ce imi...
Jubel [Serbian translation]
Spasi me... Jedan,dva,tri,četiri Ti misliš da se ne smejem,oh čini stvari koje mi se sviđaju zato zašto gubimo vreme Ne želim ustati,oh donesi mi (daj...
Jubel [Serbian translation]
Спаси ме... Један,два,три,четири Ти мислиш да се не смејем,ох чини ствари које ми се свиђају зато зашто губимо време Не желим устати,ох донеси ми (дај...
Jubel [Spanish translation]
Sálvame, Uno, dos, tres, cuatro. Tu piensas que no río, Hago las cosas que me puedan gustar mucho, ¿Por qué estamos perdiendo el tiempo? No quiero lev...
Jubel [Tongan translation]
Malu'i au... Taha, ua, tolu, fa Hala ke 'ilo'i koe 'oku 'ikai kata au, 'oi 'Ai ngaahi me'a kuo lava 'o pehe Ko e ha 'oku maumau'i taimi 'a taua? 'Ikai...
Jubel [Turkish [Anatolian dialects] translation]
Kurtar beni Bir, iki, üç, dört Gülmediğimi düşüyorsun, pekala Öyleyse hoşuma giden şeyler yap Neden hala duruyoruz Yerimden kalkmak istemiyorum, pekal...
Jubel [Turkish [Anatolian dialects] translation]
Kurtar beni ... Bir, iki, üç, dört Ben gülmek yok düşünüyorum,aman Ben çok beğendim şeyleri yapmak Neden zaman kaybediyoruz Ben kalkmak istemiyorum,am...
Losing U lyrics
Warm coffee and a cigarette We would smoke the last one In my twin sized bed This moment feels safe and sound Though we know the storm is coming To ta...
RIVA [Restart The Game] lyrics
You’ve tasted the pain of loosing Someone who broke her chains don’t even Look back at these wasted moments cause Future ain’t what it used to be, She...
RIVA [Restart The Game] [Greek translation]
Έχεις γευτεί τον πόνο του να χάνεις Κάποια που έσπασε τις αλυσίδες της, Ούτε καν να γυρίσεις να κοιτάξεις αυτές τις χαμένες στιγμές, γιατί... Το μέλλο...
Somewhere New lyrics
Yesterday is not today I know that I won't get another chance No looking back The time has gone We turned the page The past is in the past Why don't w...
Somewhere New [Turkish translation]
Dün; bugün değil Biliyorum, başka bir şansım daha olmayacak Bakma geriye Geçti zaman Çevirdik sayfayı Geçmiş geçmişte kaldı Neden kalkmıyoruz ayağa Bi...
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