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Riverdale (OST) lyrics
Eres Tú [Turkish translation]
Bir söz gibi, bu sensin, sensin Bir yaz sabahı gibi Bir gülümseme gibi, bu sensin, sensin Yani, yani, sensin Tüm umudum, sensin, sensin Ellerimde taze...
Good Riddance lyrics
Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road Time grabs you by the wrist, directs you where to go So make the best of this test and don't ask why I...
Good Riddance [Turkish translation]
Başka bir dönüm noktası, yola saplanmış bir çatal Zaman seni bileğinden yakalar, gideceğin yere yönlendirir Bu yüzden bu testten en iyi şekilde yararl...
In lyrics
BETTY: Every day, I just pray Every move I make is right Where I go, who I know VERONICA: Will I be alone on Saturday night? EVERYONE: And I worry, wh...
In [Russian translation]
BETTY: Every day, I just pray Every move I make is right Where I go, who I know VERONICA: Will I be alone on Saturday night? EVERYONE: And I worry, wh...
L'Évangile Selon Chris lyrics
Chaque fois depuis le premier humain Comme moi, les gens ne font Que s’en prendre à leur prochain Parce qu’ils les prennent pour des moins que rien No...
L'Évangile Selon Chris [English translation]
Chaque fois depuis le premier humain Comme moi, les gens ne font Que s’en prendre à leur prochain Parce qu’ils les prennent pour des moins que rien No...
Mad world lyrics
All around me are familiar faces Worn out places, worn out faces Bright and early for the daily races Going nowhere, going nowhere Their tears are fil...
Mad world [French translation]
Autour de moi, des visages familiers Places usées, visages usés Brillant et précoce pour les courses quotidiennes En allant nul part, en allant nul pa...
Mad world [German translation]
Überall sehe ich die gleichen Gesichter Die kenne ich genauso, wie die gleichen alten Orte, die gleichen alten Gesichter In aller Frühe schon in die T...
Mad world [Greek translation]
Παντού τριγύρω μου υπάρχουν γνώριμα πρόσωπα Φθαρμένα μέρη, φθαρμένα πρόσωπα Φωτεινά και και στην ώρα τους για τους καθημερινούς αγώνες Πηγαίνοντας στο...
Mad world [Romanian translation]
În jurul meu sunt numai fețe familiare Locuri uzate, fețe uzate Dimineața devreme pentru cursele de zi cu zi Mergând nicăieri, mergând nicăieri Acele ...
Mad world [Spanish translation]
Solo caras familiares están a mi alrededor Lugares gastados, caras gastadas Temprano en la mañana para las carreras diarias No ir a ninguna parte, no ...
Mad world [Turkish translation]
Çevrem tanıdık yüzlerle dolu Yıpranmış yerler, yıpranmış yüzler Günlük yarışlar için parlak ve erken Hiçbir yere gitmiyor Göz yaşları gözlüklerini dol...
Queen Bee lyrics
My name has gotten so big it's getting dangerous, dangerous And the taste is oh so sweet but it's poisonous I glitter gold, I look real nice, but you ...
Queen Bee [German translation]
My name has gotten so big it's getting dangerous, dangerous And the taste is oh so sweet but it's poisonous I glitter gold, I look real nice, but you ...
Saturday Night's Alright [For Fighting] lyrics
It's getting late, have you seen my mates? Ma, tell me when the boys get here It's seven o'clock and I wanna rock Wanna get a belly full of beer My ol...
Seventeen lyrics
Fine, we're damaged, really damaged But that does not make us wise We're not special, we're not different We don't choose who lives or dies Let's be n...
Seventeen [Dutch translation]
Fijn, we zijn beschadigd, flink beschadigd Maar daar worden we niet wijzer van We zijn niet speciaal, we zijn niet anders Wij bepalen niet wie leeft e...
Seventeen [French translation]
Bien, nous sommes endommagés, vraiment endommagés Mais ça ne nous rend pas sage Nous ne sommes pas spéciaux, nous ne sommes pas différents Nous ne cho...
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