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Marilyn Manson lyrics
Disposable Teens [Turkish translation]
Siyah bir gökkuşağıyım, tanrının bir maymunuyum Sıfatımdan şiddet ve porno akıyor Çocuk bozuntusuyum, hayatta kalan kürtajım Bel altından bir isyankar...
Dogma lyrics
Burn the witches, burn the witches Don't take time to sew your stitches Burn the witches, burn the witches Good is the thing that you favour Evil is y...
Dogma [Hungarian translation]
Elégetni a boszorkányokat, elégetni a boszorkányokat Ne fordíts időt arra, hogy összevarrd az öltéseket Elégetni a boszorkányokat, elégetni a boszorká...
Dogma [Italian translation]
Brucia le streghe, brucia le streghe Non perdere tempo a mettere insieme i pezzi [1] Brucia le streghe, brucia le streghe Il bene e' cio' che ti viene...
Dogma [Spanish translation]
quema las brujas, quema las brujas no te tomes el tiempo de coser tus suturas quemas las brujas, quema las brujas el bien es en lo que estás a favor e...
Dogma [Turkish translation]
Cadıları yak,cadıları yak Dikişlerini yapmakla uğraşma Cadıları yak,cadıları yak İyinin tarafındasın Ama aynı zamanda şeytanı da destekliyorsun Nefret...
Doll-Dagga Buzz-Buzz Ziggety-Zag lyrics
Doll-dagga buzz-buzz ziggety-zag Godmod grotesk burlesk drag Doll-dagga buzz-buzz ziggety-zag Godmod grotesk burlesk drag All the goose step girlies w...
Angels in exile Here lies the dead An ice cream truck in your inferno Don't chase the dead Or they'll end up chasing you Don't chase the dead Or they'...
DON'T CHASE THE DEAD [Bulgarian translation]
Ангели в изгнание Тук почиват мъртвите Камион за сладолед в твоя ад Не преследвай мъртвите или накрая те ще преследват теб Не преследвай мъртвите или ...
DON'T CHASE THE DEAD [French translation]
Les anges sont en exil, Ici gît la mort Comme un camion de glace dans ton enfer. Ne cours pas après les morts Ou ils finiront par te courir après. Ne ...
DON'T CHASE THE DEAD [German translation]
Engel im Exil Hier liegt der Tote Ein Eiswagen in deinem Höllenfeuer Jage nicht die Toten Oder sie werden am Ende dich jagen Jage nicht die Toten Oder...
DON'T CHASE THE DEAD [Greek translation]
Άγγελοι σε εξορία Εδώ κείτονται οι νεκροί Ένα φορτηγό με παγωτό στην πυρκαγιά σου Μην κυνηγάς τους νεκρούς Ή θα καταλήξουν να σε κυνηγούν Μην κυνηγάς ...
DON'T CHASE THE DEAD [Portuguese translation]
Anjos no exílio Aqui estão os mortos deitados Um caminhão de sorvete em seu inferno Não persiga os mortos Ou eles vão acabar te perseguindo Não persig...
DON'T CHASE THE DEAD [Spanish translation]
Ángeles en exilio Aquí yacen los muertos Un camión de helados en tu infierno No persigas a los muertos O ellos te perseguirán a tí No persigas a los m...
DON'T CHASE THE DEAD [Turkish translation]
Sürgündeki melekler Burada ölüler yatıyor Cehennemindeki bir dondurma kamyonu Ölüleri kovalamayın Yoksa sonunda onlar da sizi kovalar Ölüleri kovalama...
Dope Hat lyrics
I peek into the hole I struggle for control The children love the show But they fail to see the anguish in my eyes Fail to see the anguish in my eyes ...
Dope Hat [German translation]
Ich linse in die Höhle Ich kämpfe um Kontrolle Die Kinder lieben die Show Aber sie schaffen es nicht den Schmerz in meinen Augen zu sehen Schaffen es ...
Dope Hat [Greek translation]
Κρυφοκοιτάζω στην τρύπα Παλεύω για έλεγχο Τα παιδιά αγαπάνε το θέαμα Αλλά αποτυγχάνουν να δουν την αγωνία στα μάτια μου Αποτυγχάνουν να δουν την αγωνί...
Down in the Park lyrics
Down in the park Where the machmen meet the machines play `kill-by-numbers' Down in the park with a friend called `five' I was in a car crash Or was i...
Dried Up, Tied and Dead to the World lyrics
You cut off all of your fingers Trade them in for dollar bills Cake up on some make-up To cover all those lines Wake up and stop shaking Cuz you're ju...
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