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Starley lyrics
Call On Me lyrics
When you’re low and your knees can’t rise You feel helpless and you’re looking to the sky Some people would say to accept defeat Well if this is fate ...
Call On Me [Bulgarian translation]
Когато си паднал на колене и не можеш да се изправиш, чувстваш се безпомощен и гледаш към небето. Някои хората биха казали, че трябва да приемеш загуб...
Call On Me [Dutch translation]
Als je je down voelt en je knieën niet kunnen stijgen Je voelt je hopeloos en je kijkt naar de hemel Sommige mensen zouden zeggen dat je de nederlaag ...
Call On Me [French translation]
Quand tu es faible et que tes genoux ne peuvent se soulever Tu sens l'impuissance et tu regardes vers le ciel Certaines personnes dirai d'accepter la ...
Call On Me [German translation]
Wenn du schwach bist und deine Knie sich nicht erheben Du fühlst dich hilflos und du schaust in den Himmel Manche Menschen würden sagen, man sollte di...
Call On Me [Greek translation]
Όταν είσαι πεσμένος και τα πόδια σου δεν μπορούν να σηκωθούν Νιώθεις ανήμπορος και κοιτάς τον ουρανό Μερικοί θα έλεγαν να αποδεχθείς την ήττα Καλά αν ...
Call On Me [Portuguese translation]
Quando você estiver pra baixo e seus joelhos não levantarem Voce se sentir desamparado e estiver olhando para o céu Algumas pessoas diriam para aceita...
Call On Me [Romanian translation]
Atunci când ai cazut genunchii sinu te poti ridica Te simți neajutorat și te uiti la cer Unii oameni ar spune să-ti accepti înfrângerea Ei bine, daca ...
Call On Me [Serbian translation]
Kad se osećaš loše i ne drže te kolena Osećaš se bespomoćno i gledaš u nebo, Neki ljudi bi rekli da treba prihvatiti poraz Dobro, ako je ovo sudbina, ...
Call On Me [Spanish translation]
Cuando estás triste y tus rodillas no aguantan, te sientes indefenso y estás mirando al cielo. Algunas personas dirían que aceptemos la derrota, está ...
Love Is Love lyrics
You asked me if it's your fault For letting me play with trucks when I was younger And then you went on to say How will I break these news to your mot...
Lovers + Strangers lyrics
Wrote another text that I'll never send Oh I wanna say so many things Like you've been on my mind I hope you're doing fine Oh I wanna say but I don't ...
Lovers + Strangers [Spanish translation]
Redacto otro texto que jamás enviaré Oh, desearía poder decir tantas cosas como que tú has estado en mis pensamientos Espero que goces de buena salud ...
Touch Me lyrics
Yes, the energy's right, just come my way Baby, touch me so nice, won't be in vain, yeah I can't even lie, I'm tryna see Could you handle if I keep al...
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