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Calum Scott lyrics
Rhythm Inside [Italian translation]
[Strofa 1] Così tanti occhi, non riesco a vedere Sono statico, e non riesco a muovere i miei piedi Dal momento, che tu sei vicino a me Sembra magico, ...
Rhythm Inside [Spanish translation]
[Verso 1] Tantos ojos, no puedo ver Estoy estático, y no puedo mover mis pies Desde el momento en que estabas parado a mi lado Sintiéndome maníaco, ol...
Rhythm Inside [Vietnamese translation]
[Verse 1] Quá nhiều ánh mắt nhưng anh không màng tới Anh chết lặng, không thể nhấc bước chân mình Từ khoảnh khắc ấy, khi em đứng cạnh anh Cảm xúc hỗn ...
Rise lyrics
V1 I’ve been staring at the coast line Thinkin of every choice I’ve made to lead me here right now Standing on solid ground I’ve been hiding in shadow...
Rise [Croatian translation]
V1 Zagledao sam se u obalu, razmišljam o svakom izboru koji sam napravio, koji me sada dovodi ovamo, stojim na čvrstom tlu. Skrivao sam se u sjenama.....
Stop Myself lyrics
Take it back to where we started Till we crash and burn again Now I got it to a science All this sabotage between us Dancing on a razor's edge [Pre-Ch...
Stop Myself [French translation]
Remonte au moment ou cela a commencé jusqu'à ce que nous nous rentrions dedans, et nous échauffions maintenant, j'ai compris la logique, et ce sabotag...
Stop Myself [Romanian translation]
Să o iau de unde am început Înainte să ne prăbușim și să ne ardem din nou Acum am ajuns o știință Tot acest sabotaj între noi Dansând pe marginea unui...
What I Miss Most lyrics
[Verse 1] It must have been a year since I was thrown across an ocean far from home Life is making no sense Riding in between the highs and lows [Pre-...
What I Miss Most [Dutch translation]
[Vers 1] Het moet een jaar geleden zijn geweest Ik was ver van huis een oceaan aan het oversteken Het leven maakt geen zin Rijdend tussen hoog en laag...
What I Miss Most [Greek translation]
[Στ 1] Πρέπει να έχει περάσει ένας χρόνος απο τότε που με πέταξαν πέρα απ'τη θάλασσα μακριά απ'το σπίτι Η ζωή δεν βγάζει νόημα όταν είσαι μια ψηλά και...
What I Miss Most [Persian translation]
[بند ۱] احتمالا یک سالی می‌شود که دور از خانه، به آن سوی اقیانوسی پرتاب شده‌ام1 دیگر زندگی هیچ معنایی ندارد میان خوشی‌ها و ناخوشی‌ها سر می‌کنم [پیش-تر...
What I Miss Most [Spanish translation]
[Verso 1] Debe haber sido un año desde que Me lanzaron a través de un océano lejos de casa La vida no tiene sentido Cabalgando entre los altos y bajos...
What I Miss Most [Turkish translation]
1. kısım Bir yıl kadar geçti üzerinden Evimden çok uzaktaki bir okyanusu aşmıştım Hayatın bir anlamı yoktu (o zamanlar) Yükseklerle alçaklar arasında ...
Won't Let You Down lyrics
[Verse 1] The love of your life He's treating you wrong You stand by his side He lies all along [Pre-Chorus] It's the fairytale you want But the glimm...
Won't Let You Down [Croatian translation]
[Verse 1] Ljubav tvog života pogrešno se ponaša prema tebi. Stojiš na njegovoj strani on cijelo vrijeme laže. [Pre-Chorus] To je bajka koju želiš, ali...
Yours lyrics
I'll wear your winter coat the one you love to wear So I keep feeling close to what's beyond compare The moments waking up you catch me in your eyes T...
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