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Calum Scott featuring lyrics
Where Are You Now lyrics
You're just like my favourite song going round and round my head Like my favourite song going round and round my head Five days on the freeway Riding ...
Where Are You Now [French translation]
T'es un peu comme ma chanson préférée, à me rester en tête Comme ma chanson préférée, tu restes dans ma tête encore et encore… On a passé cinq jours s...
Where Are You Now [German translation]
Du bist genau wie mein Lieblingslied, gehst mir ständig im Kopf herum Ständig gehst du mir im Kopf herum, genau wie mein Lieblingslied Fünf Tage auf d...
Where Are You Now [Persian translation]
تو درست عین آهنگ موردعلاقم توی سرم میچرخی و میچرخی مثل آهنگ موردعلاقم توی سرم میچرخی و میچرخی پنج روز توی بزرگراه فیلم رایدینگ شاتگان همراهت بود دو تا...
Love on Myself lyrics
Waiting and waiting For something that ain't too complicated When I should've looked in I guess I've been looking In all the wrong places Until I said...
Da Primeira Vez [From The First Time]
Da primeira vez Que você chorou bem na minha frente Senti meu peito vibrar tão estranho Dali pra frente pensei na gente Como um só! Da primeira vez Qu...
Da Primeira Vez [From The First Time] [Chinese translation]
从你第一次 在我的面前潸然泪下 悸动悄然掠过我心头 从那时起,我便 一眼万年! 从我第一次 与你缠绵床第 气息交融 从那时起,我便 一见倾心! 没有什么能让我 离开这里 已无时间或理由 能改变我的态度 我如此的爱你 我只为你而活 我愿千年等待 只为你 我如此的爱你 我只为你而活 我愿千年等待 只为你...
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