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Pomplamoose lyrics
I'm Still Standing lyrics
You could never know what it's like Your blood, like winter, freezes just like ice And there's a cold lonely light that shines from you You'll wind up...
Bust Your Kneecaps lyrics
Johnny, don't leave me You said you'd love me forever Honey, believe me I'll have your heart on a platter Might you recall we've got a small family bu...
Bust Your Kneecaps [French translation]
Johnny ne me quitte pas Tu as dit que tu m'aimerait pour toujours Chéri, crois moi J'aurai ton coeur sur un plateau Peut-être tu te rappelles qu'on a ...
Bust Your Kneecaps [German translation]
Johnny, verlass' mich nicht Du hast gesagt, du würdest mich immer lieben Schatz, du kannst mir glauben Ich lass' mir dein Herz auf einem Silbertablett...
Bust Your Kneecaps [Italian translation]
Johnny, non mi lasciare Hai detto che mi avresti amata per sempre Tesoro, credimi Terrò il tuo cuore su un piatto d’argento. Potresti ricordarti che a...
Bust Your Kneecaps [Polish translation]
Johny, nie zostaw Mówiłeś że będziesz mnie kochał Skarbie, mi uwierz Twe serce będzie na talerzu Pamiętasz że mamy mały rodzinny biznes? Rodzinie się ...
Bust Your Kneecaps [Spanish translation]
Johnny, no me dejes Dijiste que me amarías por siempre Amor, créeme Tendré tu corazón en una bandeja ¿No recuerdas? Tenemos un pequeño negocio familia...
Bust Your Kneecaps [Turkish translation]
Johnny, beni terk etme Beni sonsuza dek seveceğini söylemiştin Hayatım, inan bana Kalbini bir tepside alacağım* Hatırlar mısın? Küçük bir aile işimiz ...
Comment te dire adieu lyrics
Sous aucun prétexte je ne veux Avoir de réflexes malheureux Il faut que tu m'expliques un peu mieux Comment te dire adieu Mon cœur de silex vite prend...
Comment te dire adieu [Greek translation]
Σε καμία περίπτωση δεν θέλω Να έχω αντίδρασεις άσχημες Πρέπει να μου εξηγήσεις λίγο καλύτερα Πως να σου πω αντίο Η πυρόλιθη καρδιά μου παίρνει γρήγορα...
Expiration Date lyrics
Waiting for nothing to start It's getting late Why don't we call it a day? I could easily go for a drink Watching you shrink This isn't easy to say Bu...
Expiration Date [German translation]
Hier passiert wohl nicht mehr viel Es wird schon spät Warum lassen wir es nicht gut sein für heute? Ich könnte durchaus noch was trinken gehen Dich au...
Hey It's Pomplamoose lyrics
Ladies and gentlemen Live from the San Francisco Bay area Hey It's Pomplamoose! Thank you for coming So good to have you Hey It's Pomplamoose is about...
Hot Tub lyrics
Saturday is coming And the forecast has improved If you’re feeling sunny Oh I might be in the mood I’ve been waiting for this Like a dog begs for his ...
Invisible People lyrics
Invisible people Yeah they’re invisible They are invisible people Yeah they’re invisible Talk to them when you’re in the car In the shower they like t...
Les yeux noirs lyrics
Dans tes grands yeux noirs Je me suis perdu J'attends un regard, le coeur suspendu Je t'aime tellement fort, Toi qui me fais peur Est-ce un mauvais so...
Les yeux noirs [English translation]
In your big black eyes I lost myself I am waiting for a gaze, my heart hanging I love you so much You who is scaring me Is it an evil curse? Or the wr...
Les yeux noirs [Persian translation]
توی چشمان سیاه بزرگ تو گم شدم با قلب سردرگمم، منتظر یه نگاه تو موندم خیلی تو رو دوست دارم، تویی که منو میترسونی. نمیدونم بد شانسم یا که الان وقتش نیست...
Les yeux noirs [Persian translation]
تو چشم های درشت سیاهت من گم شده ام من منتظر یه نگاهم با یه قلب بلاتکلیف من خیلی دوستت دارم تویی که من رو میترسونی این یه بدشانسیه یا زمان بدیه ؟ دور و...
Les yeux noirs [Russian translation]
В чёрных жуть глазах Заблудилась я, Жду, ловлю их взгляд, Сердце ноет, ад. В них влюбилась я, Как увидела, Видно зла судьба, Вместе раз свела. А вокру...
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