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Lea Salonga also performed lyrics
Maria del Mar Bonet - En algun lloc del meu cor [Someone To Watch Over Me]
Sent a dir, sovint, Que estimar fa mal; Però, sense estimar Viure és molt amarg... És així que he decidit Cercar un amor per mi. L'he cercat arreu I e...
En algun lloc del meu cor [Someone To Watch Over Me] [English translation]
I often hear people say That love is painful; But, without love, Living is so bitter... This is why I've decided To search for a love that's all of my...
En algun lloc del meu cor [Someone To Watch Over Me] [French translation]
J’entends souvent dire Qu’aimer fait mal Mais sans aimer la Vie est amère C’est ainsi que j’ai décidé De me chercher un amour. Je l’ai cherché partout...
En algun lloc del meu cor [Someone To Watch Over Me] [German translation]
Ich höre oft Leute sagen, Dass Liebe wehtut; Aber ohne Liebe Ist das Leben so bitter... Deshalb habe ich mich entschieden, Nach einer Liebe zu suchen ...
En algun lloc del meu cor [Someone To Watch Over Me] [Spanish translation]
A menudo oigo decir Que amar duele Pero sin querer Vivir es muy amargo Es así que decidí Buscar me un amor Lo busqué en todas parte Y no lo vi en ning...
Núria Feliu - No sé com estimar-lo [I Don't Know How To Love Him]
No sé com estimar-lo ni què dir quan li parlo... Quins turments tan diferents! D'aquell dia ençà que em donà les mans, no sóc com era abans... És una ...
No sé com estimar-lo [I Don't Know How To Love Him] [English translation]
No sé com estimar-lo ni què dir quan li parlo... Quins turments tan diferents! D'aquell dia ençà que em donà les mans, no sóc com era abans... És una ...
No sé com estimar-lo [I Don't Know How To Love Him] [French translation]
No sé com estimar-lo ni què dir quan li parlo... Quins turments tan diferents! D'aquell dia ençà que em donà les mans, no sóc com era abans... És una ...
The Carpenters - Merry Christmas, Darling
Greeting cards have all been sent The Christmas rush is through But I still have one wish to make A special one for you Merry Christmas darling We're ...
Merry Christmas, Darling [German translation]
Grusskarten wurden gesendet Der Weihnachtsrummel ist vorbei Aber ich habe etwas dir zu wunschen Etwas ganz spezielles fur dich Frohe Weihnachten, Lieb...
Merry Christmas, Darling [German translation]
Die Glückwunschkarten wurden alle geschickt Der Weihnachtsstress ist überstanden Aber ich muss immer noch einen Wunsch loswerden Ein ganz besonderer f...
Merry Christmas, Darling [Romanian translation]
Toate felicitárile au fost trimise Suntem în febra sárbátorilor Dar eu încá mai am o dorințá... De a face un Cráciun special ptr. tine. Cráciun ferici...
Merry Christmas, Darling [Spanish translation]
Se han enviado todas las tarjetas de felicitación. La fiebre navideña ha terminado Pero todavía tengo un deseo que pedir Uno especial para ti Feliz na...
Merry Christmas, Darling [Thai translation]
บัตรอวยพร ได้ถูกส่งไปหมดแล้ว ช่วงเวลาคริสมาสต์ที่แสนจะรีบเร่ง ได้ผ่านไป แต่ว่า ฉันยังมีความปรารถนา อีกหนึ่งอย่างที่อยากทำ สิ่งพิเศษสำหรับคุณ ที่รัก สุ...
On My Own lyrics
And now I'm all alone again Nowhere to turn, no one to go to Without a home, without a friend Without a face to say hello to But now the night is near...
On My Own [Chinese translation]
And now I'm all alone again Nowhere to turn, no one to go to Without a home, without a friend Without a face to say hello to But now the night is near...
On My Own [Chinese translation]
And now I'm all alone again Nowhere to turn, no one to go to Without a home, without a friend Without a face to say hello to But now the night is near...
On My Own [Finnish translation]
And now I'm all alone again Nowhere to turn, no one to go to Without a home, without a friend Without a face to say hello to But now the night is near...
On My Own [German translation]
And now I'm all alone again Nowhere to turn, no one to go to Without a home, without a friend Without a face to say hello to But now the night is near...
I Enjoy Being a Girl
I'm a girl, and by me that's only great! I am proud that my silhouette is curvy, That I walk with a sweet and girlish gait With my hips kind of swivel...
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