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Beret lyrics
Si por mí fuera [English translation]
If was up to me, if was up to me I would do the impossible to have you whole, oh, oh, oh That if was up to me you would be the air that moves my flag ...
Te Echo de Menos lyrics
Cuando ya no sepas donde ir, Solo vete donde de más miedo, Las cosas que no puedes cambiar son las mismas que acaban cambiándote luego, Te prometí hac...
Te Echo de Menos [Croatian translation]
Kada više ne znaš gdje krenuti Samo idi tamo gdje se najviše bojiš Stvari koje ne možeš promijeniti Su one iste koje te kasnije mijenjaju Obećao sam t...
Te Echo de Menos [English translation]
When you don’t know where to go anymore, Just go to the place that scares you the most. The things you can’t change, Are those that end up changing yo...
Te Echo de Menos [German translation]
Wenn du nicht weißt, wohin du gehen sollst, Geh einfach dorthin, wo du am meisten Angst hast, Die Dinge, die du nicht ändern kannst, Sind die gleichen...
Te Echo de Menos [Romanian translation]
Când nu mai știi unde să mergi, Du-te unde ți-e cel mai frică, Lucrurile pe care nu le poți schimba Sunt cele care în cele din urmă te schimbă, Ți-am ...
Te estás olvidando de mí lyrics
Te estás olvidando de mí Y es normal porque no hay otro sitio peor En el mundo quedarte aquí Porque tú te empeñaste En quererme a pesar de que nada te...
Te estás olvidando de mí [English translation]
You're forgetting about me And it's normal because there's no worse place In the world than staying here And you insisted On loving me even though not...
Vuelve lyrics
Vuelve a decirme lo de siempre, que me quieres, pero no puedes tenerme. He hecho lo imposible por hacerme fuerte y, aunque sea el mismo camino, sólo v...
Vuelve [Basque [Modern, Batua] translation]
Itzuli, betikoa esatera maite nauzula baina ezin nauzula eduki Indartsu egiteko ezinezkoa dena egin dut Eta nahiz eta bide berbera izan, itzuli... Bak...
Vuelve [English translation]
Come back, and tell me what you always do You love me, but you cannot have me. I have done the impossible to become strong(-er), and even if it's the ...
Vuelve [French translation]
Reviens me dire ce que tu m’as toujours dit Que tu m’aimes mais que tu ne peux pas m’avoir J’ai fait jusqu’à l’impossible pour être fort Et même si c’...
Vuelve [Greek translation]
Γύρνα πίσω για να μου πεις τα ίδια, ότι με θέλεις, αλλά δεν μπορείς να με έχεις. Έχω κάνει τα αδύνατα* για να με κάνω δυνατό και, αν και θα είναι ο ίδ...
Vuelve [Romanian translation]
Întoarce-te să-mi spui ca întotdeauna Că mă iubești, dar nu poți să mă ai. Am făcut imposibilul ca să devin puternic Și chiar dacă e același drum, înt...
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