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Survivor lyrics
Eye of the Tiger [Turkish translation]
Yükseliyorum, sokağa geri döndüm Cezamı çektim, şansımı denedim Sonuna kadar götürdüm, ama şimdi iyileştim Sadece bir adam ve onun hayatta kalma arzus...
Eye of the Tiger [Ukrainian translation]
Підіймаючись, я повертаюся за вулицю Я відбув свій термін, випробував шанси Пройшов дистанцію, тепер я знову на ногах Просто чоловік і його жага до жи...
Across The Miles lyrics
When I'm all alone on a distant path And my ticket home has been torn in half Oh, I can hear your voice, girl I can feel your touch Across the miles t...
American heartbeat lyrics
The night's alive with wind and fire We telegraph our heart's desire Through the night With our eyes Wheels are turning fast and hard Hearts are burni...
Burning Heart lyrics
Two worlds collide Rival nations It's a primitive clash Venting years of frustrations Bravely we hope Against all hope There is so much at stake Seems...
Burning Heart [Bulgarian translation]
Два свята се сблъскват враждуващи нации Това е примитивен сблъсък Отдушник на години разочарования Смело се надяваме Срещу всяка надежда Има толкова м...
Burning Heart [Chinese translation]
两个民族 世界的抵触 就是一个纯粹的冲突 为了发泄多年以来的挫败感 我们总希望顺利 并排除所有的不利 但是有如此多的厉害关系 看来我们的自由正面临着 你们究竟明白不明白? 这是东方与西方的对抗 还是男人与男人的对抗 没有任何民族可以置身事外 (合唱) 燃烧的心正要爆发 对答案的追求是永恒的渴望 在最...
Burning Heart [Croatian translation]
Dva svijeta u sudaru Suprotstavljene nacije To je primitivan sraz Izbacuje godine frustracije Hrabro se nadamo Unatoč svim izgledima Toliko je toga na...
Burning Heart [Finnish translation]
Kaksi maailmaa yhdistyvät Kilpailevat kansakunnat Se on alkukantainen yhteenotto Turhautuneisuuden vuodet Rohkeasti me toivomme Kaikkea toivoa vastaan...
Burning Heart [German translation]
Zwei Welten krachen zusammen, rivalisierende Staaten es ist ein primitiver Zusammenprall den Dampf aus Jahren der Frustration ablassend. Mutig hoffen ...
Burning Heart [Greek translation]
Δυο κόσμοι συγκρούονται Αντίπαλα έθνη Είναι μια πρωτόγονη σύγκρουση Που εξαπολύει απογοητεύσεις ετών Γενναία ελπίζουμε Ενάντια σε όλες τις ελπίδες Δια...
Burning Heart [Serbian translation]
Dva sveta se sudaraju Rivalstvo nacija Primitivna borba stvorena od dugogodišnje frustracije U hrabrost verujemo Protiv svih nada Ulog je prevelik Naš...
Burning Heart [Swedish translation]
Två världar kolliderar Konkurrerande nationer Det är en primitiv kollision Vädrar ut år av frustration Modigt så hoppas vi Emot allt hopp Det finns så...
Burning Heart [Turkish translation]
İki dünya çarpışıyor Düşman uluslar İlkel bir çatışma bu Yıllarca sürmüş yenilgileri anlatan Cesurca umuyoruz Bütün umuda karşı O kadar çok şey var ki...
Caught In The Game lyrics
You swore you'd never again, let yourself be tempted, Too many times in the past when you've opened up your heart -- You've had it broken in pieces, b...
Children of the Night lyrics
Well we rifle through the night, Like riders on the run now, in the street-- Holding back the blinding light, 'Cause a thousand eyes can be so indiscr...
Children of the Night [Greek translation]
Λοιπόν κάνουμε όπλο την νύχτα Σαν καβαλάρηδες που τρέχουν τωρα, στο δρόμο Κρατώντας πίσω το εκτυφλωτικό φως γιατί χίλια μάτια μπορουν να είναι τόσο αδ...
Desperate dreams lyrics
Two dreamers, what would it feel like to meet by light of day So lonely, wouldn't if feel right to love this night away Your name keeps echoing down t...
Didn't Know It Was Love lyrics
It felt so easy in the morning sun When love was in season I was on the run I was lookin' for trouble and the thrill of the chase Love was lookin' at ...
Ever Since The World Began lyrics
I'll never know what brought me here, As if somebody led my hand, It seems I hardly had to steer, My course was planned. And destiny it guides us all,...
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