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Alex & Sierra lyrics
Little Do You Know [Greek translation]
Ούτε που γνωρίζεις Πως εγώ διαλύομαι ενώ σε παίρνει ο ύπνος Ούτε που γνωρίζεις Πως ακόμα με στοιχειώνουν οι αναμνήσεις Ούτε που γνωρίζεις Πως προσπαθώ...
Little Do You Know [Hungarian translation]
Keveset tudsz arról Hogy megtörök míg te álomba merülsz Keveset tudsz arról Hogy még mindig kísértenek az emlékek Keveset tudsz arról Hogy megpróbálom...
Little Do You Know [Italian translation]
Piccolo lo sai Come mi sgretolo quando ti addormenti Piccolo lo sai Sono ancora perseguitata dai ricordi Piccolo lo sai Sto cercando ti ricompormi pez...
Little Do You Know [Japanese translation]
あなたには分からない あなたが眠っている間に どれほど苦しんでいるのか あなたには分からない まだ私は思い出に取り憑かれているの あなたには分からない ひとかけらずつ 自分のことを拾い直してる あなたには分からない もうすこし時間がいるってことを 誰にも見えないくらいに深い穴の奥に捕らわれてる私 あ...
Little Do You Know [Portuguese translation]
Pouco você sabe Como eu estou desmoronando enquanto você cai no sono Pouco você sabe Eu ainda sou caçada pelas memórias Pouco você sabe Eu estou tenta...
Little Do You Know [Romanian translation]
Nu stii Cum mi se rupe inima în timp ce dormi Nu stii Sunt încă bântuita de amintiri Nu stii Încerc să mă adun bucată cu bucată Nu stii Am nevoie de p...
Little Do You Know [Romanian translation]
Nu știi Cum eu sunt de rupere în timp ce adormi Nu știi Eu sunt încă bântuit de amintirile Nu știi Încerc să mă ridic, bucată cu bucată Nu știi Am nev...
Little Do You Know [Serbian translation]
Nisi ni svestan Kako se slamam dok toneš u san Nisi ni svestan Još uvek me proganjaju uspomene Nisi ni svestan Pokušavam da se podignem deo po deo Nis...
Little Do You Know [Spanish translation]
No te imaginas Cómo me despedazo mientras te quedas dormido No te imaginas Aún estoy obsesionado con los recuerdos No te imaginas Estoy tratando de re...
Little Do You Know [Spanish translation]
No tienes idea 1. cómo me despedazo mientras tú duermes. No tienes idea que aún estoy obsesionado con los recuerdos. No tienes idea que estoy tratando...
Little Do You Know [Thai translation]
คุณรู้บ้างหรือเปล่าว่า ฉันกำลังแตกสลายมากเพียงไหนในเวลาที่คุณกำลังนอนหลับ คุณแทบไม่รู้เลยว่า ความทรงจำทั้งหลายยังคงหลอกหลอนฉันอยู่ คุณแทบไม่รู้เลยว่า ...
Little Do You Know [Turkish translation]
Biraz olsun biliyor musun? Sen uykuya daldığında nasıl kırıldığımı Biraz olsun biliyor musun? Hâlâ anılarımla lanetliyim Biraz olsun biliyor musun? Ke...
Little Do You Know [Turkish translation]
Küçüğüm biliyor musun? Sen uykuya daldığında nasıl kırıldığımı Küçüğüm biliyor musun? Hâlâ anılarımla lanetliyim Küçüğüm biliyor musun? Kendimi parça ...
Little Do You Know [Turkish translation]
Küçüğüm biliyor musun Sen uyurken şimdi nasıl kırıldığımı Küçüğüm biliyor musun Hala hayallerimizin tutsağıyım Küçüğüm biliyor musun Kendimi ufak ufak...
Say Something lyrics
Say something, I'm giving up on you. I'll be the one, if you want me to. Anywhere, I would've followed you. Say something, I'm giving up on you. And I...
Scarecrow lyrics
I'm standin' still without you In the emptiest of fields Wish that I could say what's on my mind The straw that fills your heart so you never have to ...
Scarecrow [German translation]
Ich stehe still, ohne dich Im leersten aller Felder Ich wünschte, ich könnte sagen, was ich denke Die Strohalme die dein Herz füllen, sodass du nie fü...
Scarecrow [Spanish translation]
Aún estoy aquí sin ti En el campo más vacío Quisiera poder decir lo que tengo en mente La paja que llena tu corazón para que nunca sientas Dices que n...
You Will Find Me lyrics
Words are lost Mouths are closed Even through the silent pause You take it all Table talks Getting through the car ride home It could be a late night ...
You Will Find Me [Italian translation]
Le parole si perdono Le bocche sono chiuse Anche con la silenziosa pausa Tu prendi tutto Discorsi a tavolino Fatti durante il ritorno a casa in auto P...
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