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Alex & Sierra lyrics
Animal lyrics
Hiding away Turned into prey Like we're animals Yeah, we're loving like we're animals We know it's too late (I'm bleeding but it feels right) Hunting ...
Animal [Italian translation]
Hiding away Turned into prey Like we're animals Yeah, we're loving like we're animals We know it's too late (I'm bleeding but it feels right) Hunting ...
Animal [Russian translation]
Hiding away Turned into prey Like we're animals Yeah, we're loving like we're animals We know it's too late (I'm bleeding but it feels right) Hunting ...
Back To You lyrics
Are you lonely? Do you miss me anymore? Is your heart as empty as these arms that used to hold you? Are you tired? Are you weaker than before? Are you...
Back To You [Romanian translation]
Te simti singura? Mai iti e dor de mine? Este inima ta asa de goala precum aceste brate care obisnuiau sa te tina? Esti obosita? Esti mai slaba 1 deca...
Back To You [Turkish translation]
Yalnız mısın? Beni artık özlemiyor musun? Kalbin eskiden seni tutuyor olan bu kollar gibi boş mu? Yoruldun mu? Eskisinden daha mı zayıfsın? Batıyor mu...
Bumper Cars lyrics
Can't help wondering why you're thinking Wherever you are Late night movies, careless drinking To cover the scars And as much as I wanna be with you, ...
Bumper Cars [Hungarian translation]
Nem tudok nem azon tűnődni, miért gondolod Bárhol is vagy Késő esti filmek, gondtalan ivászat Hogy elfedd a sebeket És amennyire veled akarok lenni, t...
Bumper Cars [Spanish translation]
No puedo evitar preguntarme por qué piensas Donde sea que estés Películas nocturnas, beber sin cuidado Para cubrir las cocatrices Y por mucho que quie...
I love you lyrics
I fell in love with a beautiful girl And she still takes my breath away I fell in love in the morning sun While the hours slipped away Sometimes when ...
I love you [German translation]
Ich verliebte mich in ein wunderschönes Mädchen Und sie raubt mir immer noch meinen Atem Ich verliebte mich in die Morgensonne Während die Stunden ver...
I love you [Serbian translation]
Zaljubio sam se u predivnu devojku I ona mi i dalje oduzima dah Zaljubio sam se na jutarnjem suncu Dok su sati promicali Ponekad kada ti čujem ime Osm...
I love you [Turkish translation]
Güzel bir kıza aşık oldum Ve o hala nefesimi kesiyor Her sabah güneşinde aşık oluyorum Saatler geçip giderken Bazen onun adını duyduğumda Yüzümde tuha...
Just Kids lyrics
Floating on, while the world is sinking Umbrellas in the cups we're drinking I love it, la la la love it I love it, la la la love it Light it up in th...
Just Kids [Spanish translation]
Flotando, mientras el mundo se hunde Paraguas el las tazas (de las cuales) bebemos Me encanta, la la la me encanta (1) Me encanta, la la la me encanta...
Little Do You Know lyrics
Little do you know How I’m breaking while you fall asleep Little do you know I’m still haunted by the memories Little do you know I’m trying to pick m...
Little Do You Know [Arabic translation]
لا تعرف كيف أنني أتحطم عندما تنام لا تعرف إن الذكريات لاتزال تطاردني لا تعرف أنني أحاول لملمة نفسي قطعة قطعة لا تعرف أنني بحاجة إلى المزيد من الوقت ور...
Little Do You Know [Catalan translation]
No t'ho imagines Com em trenco mentre t'adorms No t'ho imagines Que encara em persegueixen els records No t'ho imagines Que m'estic intentat reconstru...
Little Do You Know [French translation]
Tu n'imagines pas À quel point je me brise quand tu t'endors Tu n'imagines pas Que je suis encore hantée par les souvenirs Tu n'imagines pas Que j'ess...
Little Do You Know [German translation]
Was weißt du schon Wie ich zusammenbreche, während du einschläfst Was weißt du schon Immer noch werde ich von Erinnerungen heimgesucht Was weißt du sc...
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