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Michael Bublé also performed lyrics
Begin The Beguine lyrics
When they begin the beguine It brings back the sound of music so tender, It brings back a night of tropical splendor, It brings back a memory ever gre...
Begin The Beguine [Italian translation]
Quando cominciano a suonare la beguine mi ritorna alla mente il suono di una musica così dolce, mi torna una notte di splendore tropicale, mi torna un...
Begin The Beguine [Serbian translation]
Кад почну да свирају бегин, То ми враћа у сећање звук музике тако нежне, враћа сећање на ноћ тропског сјаја, враћа сећања вечно јасна. Још једном сам ...
Núria Feliu - Blanc Nadal [White Christmas]
Blanc, l'aire de Nadal, l'aire... Porta cançons d'aquesta nit, Amb la neu estesa I amb la puresa De ser un altre cop petits. Blanc, l'aire de Nadal to...
Blanc Nadal [White Christmas] [English translation]
Blanc, l'aire de Nadal, l'aire... Porta cançons d'aquesta nit, Amb la neu estesa I amb la puresa De ser un altre cop petits. Blanc, l'aire de Nadal to...
Blanc Nadal [White Christmas] [Russian translation]
Blanc, l'aire de Nadal, l'aire... Porta cançons d'aquesta nit, Amb la neu estesa I amb la puresa De ser un altre cop petits. Blanc, l'aire de Nadal to...
Mina - Buona sera
Buonasera, signorina, buonasera It is time to say goodnight to Napoli Though it's hard for us to whisper "buonasera" With that old moon above the Medi...
Chestnuts Roasting On An Open Fire/The Christmas Song lyrics
I Chestnuts roasting on an open fire, Jack Frost nipping at your nose, Yuletide carols being sung by a choir, And folks dressed up like Eskimos. II Ev...
Chestnuts Roasting On An Open Fire/The Christmas Song [Italian translation]
I Chestnuts roasting on an open fire, Jack Frost nipping at your nose, Yuletide carols being sung by a choir, And folks dressed up like Eskimos. II Ev...
Darlene Love - Christmas [Baby Please Come Home]
The snow's coming down I'm watching it fall Watching the people around Baby please come home The church bells in town They're ringing a song What a ha...
Christmas [Baby Please Come Home] [Greek translation]
Το χιόνι καταφτάνει Το βλέπω να πέφτει Παρατηρώ τους ανθρώπους τριγύρω Μωρό μου σε παρακαλώ έλα σπίτι Οι καμπάνες της εκκλησίας χτυπούν στην πόλη Παίζ...
Christmas [Baby Please Come Home] [Korean translation]
눈은 내리고 있어요 나는 눈이 내리는 것을 보고 있어요 주변에 있는 사람들을 둘러 보면서 여보 제발 집에 돌아오세요 교회 종소리가 마을에 울려 퍼져요 그 소리는 노래 소리를 울려요 얼마나 행복한 소리인가요 여보 제발 집에 돌아오세요 그 소리는 " 집안을 꾸며라."라는 ...
Christmas [Baby Please Come Home] [Serbian translation]
Sneg pada Gledam ga kako pada, Gledam ljude okolo Duso molim te dodji kuci Crkvina zvona u gradu, Oni zvone pesmu Koja srecno zvuci Duso,dodji kuci On...
Christmas [Baby Please Come Home] [Turkish translation]
Kar yağıyor Yağışı izliyorum Etraftaki insanları izliyorum Bebeğim lütfen eve gel Kasabadaki kilise çanları Bir şarkı çalıyorlar Ne mutlu bir ses Bebe...
Fever lyrics
Never know how much I love you Never know how much I care When you put your arms around me I get a fever that's so hard to bear You give me fever when...
Fever [French translation]
Je ne sais jamais à quel point je t’aime Je ne sais jamais à quel point je me soucie Quand tu mets tes bras autour de moi J’ai une fièvre qui est si d...
Fever [Greek translation]
Ποτέ δεν ξέρεις πόσο σε αγαπώ Ποτέ δεν ξέρεις πόσο νοιάζομαι Όταν βάζεις τα χέρια σου γύρω μου Έχω έναν πυρετό που είναι τόσο δύσκολο να τον αντέξω Μο...
Fever [Hungarian translation]
Soha nem tudod meg, mennyire szeretlek Soha nem tudod meg, mennyire érdekelsz Mikor körém fonod karjaid Elkap a láz, az elviselhetetlenül pirít. Felpe...
Ju - Em sento bé [Feeling Good]
Ocells volant lluny... Tu saps com em sento! El sol al cel... Tu saps com em sento! Brisa a la deriva i tu saps com em sento... És un nou dia, una nov...
Em sento bé [Feeling Good] [English translation]
Ocells volant lluny... Tu saps com em sento! El sol al cel... Tu saps com em sento! Brisa a la deriva i tu saps com em sento... És un nou dia, una nov...
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