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Jesse & Joy lyrics
Dueles [Dutch translation]
Toen je bij me was, Was dat licht hemels. Wat kon ik nog meer wensen? Ik vond het geluk. Zonder waarschuwing verliet ons paradijs ons, En nu werpt jou...
Dueles [English translation]
When you were next to/with me, That light was celestial. What more could I (have) ask(ed) for? I found happiness. Without notice, our paradise abandon...
Dueles [English translation]
When you were next to me our light was heavenly. What else could I ask for? I found happiness. With no warning, our paradise left us, and now your mem...
Dueles [English translation]
When you were together with me, That light was celestial. What more could I ask for? I found the happiness. Without notice, we left our paradise, and ...
Dueles [French translation]
Quand tu es avec moi, Cette lumière est céleste. Qu'est-ce que je pouvais demander de plus? J'ai trouvé le bonheur. Sans préavis, notre paradis nous a...
Dueles [German translation]
Als du mit mir zusammen warst, War dieses Licht himmlisch. Was könnte ich mehr verlangen? Ich habe das Glück gefunden. Ohne Warnung hat unser Paradies...
Dueles [Greek translation]
Όταν ήσουν μαζί μου Εκείνο το φως ήταν θεϊκό Τι άλλο μπορούσα να ζητήσω; Βρήκα την ευτυχία Χωρίς προειδοποίηση, ο παράδεισός μας μας εγκατέλειψε και τ...
Dueles [Hindi translation]
जब तुम मेरे साथ थे मेरे पासएक अलौकिक उजाला था मुझे इससे और अधिक क्या चाहिए मुझे मेरी खुशी हासिल हो गई है। हमारी जन्नत लुप्त हो गई और कानों-कान खबर भी ...
Dueles [Italian translation]
Quando stavi con me, Questa luce era celestiale "Cosa potevo chiedere di più?" Trovai la felicità Senza preavviso, il nostro Eden ci abbandonò, E ades...
Dueles [Romanian translation]
Când erai lângă mine, Lumina noastră era celestă. Ce mai puteam cere? Găsisem fericirea. Fără să ne anunțe, paradisul nostru ne-a părăsit, Şi acum ami...
Dueles [Serbian translation]
Kada si bio sa mnom, ta svetlost je bila nebeska. Sta sam vise mogla traziti? Pronasala sam srecu. Bez najave, nas raj nas ostavio, i sada tvoje secan...
Dulce melodía lyrics
Viniste a mí como la letra de una bella canción. Melodía que rima con la historia de nuestro amor. Haremos sinfonía eterna unidos tú y yo. Disonancia ...
Dulce melodía [Arabic translation]
جئتني كأبياتِ أغنية جميلة ولحن يتناغم مع قصة حُبنا سنكون كسِنفونية سرمدية، معًا أنا وأنت لا وجود لأي تنافر في القلب لا شيء باستطاعتهِ تفريقنا، فنحن مُ...
Dulce melodía [English translation]
You came to me like the lyrics of a beautiful song Melody that rhymes with the story of our love We'll be an eternal symphony, together you and I Diss...
Dulce melodía [Russian translation]
Ты пришел ко мне, как песня красивая, Как мелодия, что в рифме с нашей любовной историей. Давай, ты и я будем вместе симфонией. В сердце не будет дисс...
Echoes of Love lyrics
I'm wide awake in a dream, You won't let me fall asleep 'Cause I smell your skin on my pillow I see your face in the dark, falling like a shooting sta...
Echoes of Love [Italian translation]
Sono del tutto sveglio in un sogno, Non mi farai addormentare Perché annuso la tua pelle sul mio cuscino Vedo la tua faccia nel buio, Cadere come una ...
Echoes of Love [Spanish translation]
Estoy bien despierta en un sueño No me dejas dormirme Porque te huelo la piel en mi almohada Veo tu cara en la oscuridad Cayendo como una estrella fug...
Echoes of Love [Swedish translation]
Jag är klarvaken i en dröm Du låter mig inte somna För jag kan känna lukten av din hud på min kudde Jag ser ditt ansikte i mörkret, faller som ett stj...
Echoes of Love [Turkish translation]
Bir rüyada tamamen uyanığım Uyumama müsade etmiyorsun Çünkü yastığımdan teninin kokusunu alıyorum Karanlıkta yüzünü görüyorum Kayan bir yıldız gibi Pe...
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