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United Pursuit lyrics
Bless the Lord lyrics
Bless the lord, oh my soul And all that's within me shout out! Shout out! [6 times] Have your way Have your way Have your way [4 times] Bless the lord...
Bless the Lord [French translation]
Bénis le Seigneur, Ô mon âme, Et crier avec tout l'intérieur de moi! Crier! x6 Avoir ta manière (avec moi) Avoir ta manière (avec moi) Avoir ta manièr...
Bless the Lord [German translation]
Preise den Herrn, oh meine Seele Alles, was in mir ist - rufe es hinaus, rufe es hinaus! (6x) Dein Wille geschehe Dein Wille geschehe Dein Wille gesch...
Bless the Lord [Spanish translation]
Bendice al Señor, O mi alma, Y dejar todo dentro de mí gritar! Gritar! x6 Pídale a su manera (conmigo) Pídale a su manera (conmigo) Pídale a su manera...
Met By Love lyrics
There is none None like you Who can know my heart like you do For all creation sings your song I will join with them declaring your glory There is non...
Met By Love [Spanish translation]
No hay nadie Nadie como tú Que conozca mi corazón como tú lo haces Porque toda la creación canta tu canción Me uniré a ellos declarando tu gloria No h...
Set A Fire lyrics
No Place I'd rather be No Place I'd rather be No place I'd rather be Here in your Love, Here in your love Set a Fire Down in my Soul That I cant conta...
Set A Fire [Chinese translation]









Set A Fire [Tongan translation]
'Ikai ha potu 'oku ou fie nofo ai 'Ikai ha potu 'oku ou fie nofo ai 'Ikai ha potu 'oku ou fie nofo ai Ka 'i heni mo e 'ofa 'o'ou 'I heni mo e 'ofa 'o'...
Since Your Love lyrics
You are the light Song of my life You always lead me You are the voice inside You are my love No one before you All that I am Points to You And I was ...
Since Your Love [Greek translation]
Είσαι το φως Τραγούδι από τη ζωή μου Πάντα με καθοδηγείς Εσύ είσαι η φωνή μέσα Είσαι η αγάπη μου Κανένας πριν από σένα Όλα όσα είμαι Παραπέμπουν προς ...
Since Your Love [Russian translation]
Ты - свет Ты песнь моей жизни Всегда меня ты направляешь Ты внутренний мой голос Ты - моя любовь И никто другой Вся суть моя Связана с тобой Я сотворё...
Since Your Love [Turkish translation]
Sen ışıksın Hayatımın şarkısı Her zaman bana yol gösterirsin İçimdeki sessin Sen benim aşkımsın Senden önce kimse yok Benim olduğum her şey Seni işare...
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