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Dillon lyrics
Wicked Games lyrics
I left my girl back home I don't love her no more And she'll never fucking know that These fucking eyes that I'm staring at Let me see that ass Look a...
Wicked Games [Slovak translation]
Nechala som doma svoje dievča Už ju viac nemilujem A nikdy to nebude vedieť Tie skurvené oči, na ktoré sa pozerám Nechaj ma vidieť ten zadok Pozri sa ...
A Matter of Time lyrics
Rain drops, trees rise Valleys sink and seas divide It's only a matter of time Temperatures rise Mountains peak, skies fall, floods tide It's only a m...
A Matter of Time [German translation]
Regen fällt, Bäume wachsen Täler versinken und Meere teilen sich Es ist nur eine Frage der Zeit Die Temperatur steigt Berge gipfeln, Himmel stürzen ei...
A Matter of Time [Portuguese translation]
A chuva cai, as árvores crescem Vales caem e mares dividem-se É só uma questão de tempo Temperaturas crescem Montanhas atingem picos, céus caem, marés...
A Matter of Time [Slovak translation]
Dážď padá, stromy rastú Doliny sa potápajú a moria rozdeľujú Je to iba vec času Teploty rastú vrchol hory, oblohy padajú, záplavy Je to iba vec času S...
A Matter of Time [Spanish translation]
Cae la lluvia, se elevan los árboles Se hunden los valles y se dividen los mares Sólo es cuestión de tiempo Se elevan las temperaturas Crecen las mont...
Abrupt Clarity lyrics
As a tornado took shape I came to see For an hour or so, stood on that field Watched the dirt rise As if paralysed The closer I got The less I could f...
Abrupt Clarity [German translation]
Als sich ein Tornado formte Ging ich hin zu sehen Eine Stunde oder so, stand auf diesem Feld Sah den Dreck aufsteigen wie gelähmt Je näher ich kam des...
Abrupt Clarity [Slovak translation]
Ako keď tornádo nabralo tvar Prišla som, aby som videla Na takú hodinku, stála na tom poli Pozerala ako sa dvíha hlina Ako keby bola paralyzovaná Čím ...
Abrupt Clarity [Spanish translation]
Mientras un tornado tomaba forma Fui a verlo Por una hora más o menos, estuve parada en ese campo Viendo la tierra elevarse Como si etuviera paralizad...
Contact us lyrics
If you don't dance I don't sing Dance I don't sing If you don't dance I don't sing Dance I don't sing If you don't dance I don't sing Dance I don't si...
Contact us [German translation]
Wenn ihr nicht tanzt sing ich nicht Tanzt sing ich nicht Wenn ihr nicht tanzt sing ich nicht Tanzt sing ich nicht Wenn ihr nicht tanzt sing ich nicht ...
Dissolve lyrics
A fragile ponder but common Unseal my lips to find yourself inside me Free my mind, just don't drop it Let yourself surround me, hide in my heat When ...
Dissolve [Slovak translation]
A fragile ponder but common Unseal my lips to find yourself inside me Free my mind, just don't drop it Let yourself surround me, hide in my heat When ...
Forward lyrics
My train of thought derailed Heading nowhere Lost track of time A standstill full of despair When the longing grows Minds take hold Hands unfold, lett...
Forward [Slovak translation]
môj vlak myšlienok sa vykoľajil Smerujúci nikam Stratil pojem o čase Zastávka plná zúfalstva keď túžba rastie Myseľ preberie kontrolu Ruky sa otvoria,...
Forward [Spanish translation]
Mis pensamientos se desviaron Van hacia la nada Perdí la noción del tiempo Una parada llena de desesperación Cuando el anhelo crece Las mentes toman e...
From One to Six Hundred Kilometers lyrics
The most tender thing you’ve said to me is that I suffer from paranoia Sometimes when I wish to kill I count from one to six hundred kilometers Yet I ...
From One to Six Hundred Kilometers [Slovak translation]
Tá najjemnejšia vec, čo si mi povedal je to, že trpím paranojou Niekedy, keď s prajem aby som zabila počítam od jedného po šesťsto kilometrov No zlyhá...
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