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Mormon Hymns lyrics
050 - Come, thou glorious day of promise lyrics
1. Come, thou glorious day of promise; Come and spread thy cheerful ray, When the scattered sheep of Israel Shall no longer go astray, When hosannas, ...
051 - Sons of Michael, he approaches lyrics
1. Sons of Michael, he approaches! Rise, the ancient father greet. Bow, ye thousands, low before him; Minister before his feet. Hail the patriarch’s g...
052 - The day dawn is breaking lyrics
1. The day dawn is breaking, the world is awaking, The clouds of night's darkness are fleeing away. The worldwide commotion, from ocean to ocean, Now ...
053 - Let earth's inhabitants rejoice lyrics
1. Let earth's inhabitants rejoice And gladly hail the glorious hour; Again is heard a prophet's voice, And all may feel the gospel's pow'r. 2. The bl...
054 - Behold, the mountain of the Lord lyrics
1. Behold, the mountain of the Lord In latter days shall rise On mountaintops, above the hills, And draw the wond'ring eyes. To this shall joyful nati...
055 - Lo, the mighty God appearing lyrics
1. Lo, the mighty God appearing! From on high Jehovah speaks! Eastern lands the summons hearing, O'er the west his thunder breaks. Earth behold him! E...
056 - Softly beams the sacred dawning lyrics
1. Softly beams the sacred dawning Of the great millennial morn, And to Saints gives welcome warning That the day is hast'ning on, That the day is has...
057 - We’re not ashamed to own our Lord lyrics
1. We’re not ashamed to own our Lord And worship him on earth. We love to learn his holy word And know what souls are worth. 2. When Jesus comes in bu...
058 - Come, ye children of the Lord lyrics
1. Come, ye children of the Lord, Let us sing with one accord. Let us raise a joyful strain To our Lord who soon will reign On this earth when it shal...
059 - Come, O thou King of Kings lyrics
1. Come, O thou King of Kings! We've waited long for thee, With healing in thy wings, To set thy people free. Come, thou desire of nations, come; Let ...
061 - Raise your voices to the Lord lyrics
1. Raise your voices to the Lord, Ye who here have heard his word. As we part, his praise proclaim, Shout thanksgiving to his name. 2. Shout thanksgiv...
062 - All creatures of our God and King lyrics
1 All creatures of our God and King, lift up your voice and with us sing Alleluia! Alleluia! Thou burning sun with golden beam, thou silver moon with ...
062 - All creatures of our God and King [French translation]
1. Vous, créations de notre Dieu, Vos voix élevez vers les cieux! Alléluia! Alléluia! Toi, brûlant soleil de midi, Toi, lune d’argent dans la nuit, Al...
062 - All creatures of our God and King [Portuguese translation]
1. Ó criaturas do Senhor, Cantai hosanas, dai louvor — Aleluia! Aleluia! A natureza, em cada flor, Fala das bênçãos do Senhor — Aleluia! Aleluia! Alel...
062 - All creatures of our God and King [Romanian translation]
1 Toate creaturile Dumnezeului și Regelui nostru, ridicăți-vă vocea și cântaţi cu noi Aliluia! Aliluia! Tu soare arzător cu rază de aur, Tu luna argin...
062 - All creatures of our God and King [Spanish translation]
1. Oh, creaciones del Señor, alzad la voz y dad loor: ¡Aleluya! ¡Aleluya! Tú, sol radiante de fulgor, luna de bello resplandor, ¡Aleluya! ¡Aleluya! ¡A...
063 - Great King of heav'n lyrics
1. Great King of heav'n, our hearts we raise To thee in prayer, to thee in praise. The vales exult, the hills acclaim, And all thy works revere thy na...
064 - On this day of joy and gladness lyrics
1. On this day of joy and gladness, Lord, we praise thy holy name; In this sacred place of worship, We thy glories loud proclaim! Alleluia, Alleluia, ...
065 - Come, all ye Saints who dwell on earth lyrics
1. Come, all ye Saints who dwell on earth, Your cheerful voices raise, Our great Redeemer’s love to sing, And celebrate his praise, Our great Redeemer...
066 - Rejoice, the Lord is King lyrics
1. Rejoice, the Lord is King! Your Lord and King adore! Mortals, give thanks and sing And triumph evermore. (Chorus) Lift up your heart! Lift up your ...
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