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Reik featuring lyrics
Bésame [I Need You]
[Intro: Reik] You got something about you, something about you Blow me away I think future without you, future without you Just ain't okay It's half a...
Bésame [I Need You] [Croatian translation]
Ima nešto u tebi Nešto u tebi Otpuše me Mislim da budućnost bez tebe Budućnost bez tebe Nije okej Tu je pola miljarde ljudi Ali tebe želim okusiti Ima...
Bésame [I Need You] [Croatian translation]
[Uvod: Reik] Imaš nešto o sebi, nešto o sebi Otjeraj me Mislim da budućnost bez tebe, budućnost bez tebe Jednostavno nije u redu To je pola milijarde ...
Bésame [I Need You] [English translation]
[Intro: Reik] You got something about you, something about you Blow me away I think future without you, future without you Just ain't okay It's half a...
Bésame [I Need You] [German translation]
[Intro: Reik] Du hast etwas an dir, etwas an dir. Blas mich weg Ich denke Zukunft ohne dich, Zukunft ohne dich Wäre nicht okay. Es sind eine halbe Mil...
Bésame [I Need You] [Russian translation]
[Вступление: Reik] В тебе есть что-то особенное, что-то особенное Что меня убивает Я думаю, что будущее без тебя, будущее без тебя Просто не будет нор...
Bésame [I Need You] [Russian translation]
[Интро: Reik] В тебе есть что-то, в тебе есть что-то, что Меня поразило Я думаю, что будущее без тебя, будущее без тебя Просто мне не подходит Полмилл...
Bésame [I Need You] [Serbian translation]
Intro: Reik Ima nešto vezano za tebe, vezano za tebe Što me raspamećuje Mislim da budućnost bez tebe, budućnost bez tebe Jednostavno nije uredu Ima po...
Bésame [I Need You] [Turkish translation]
[Intro: Reik] Senin hakkında bir şey var,senin hakkında Beni uçur Geleceği sensiz düşünüyorum,sensiz düşünüyorum Sadece iyi değil Yarım milyar insan v...
Bésame [I Need You] [Turkish translation]
[Giriş: Reik] Kendi hakkında bir şeyin var, kendi hakkında Beni uçur Sensiz gelecek düşünüyorum, sensiz gelecek Sadece memnun değilim Yarım milyar ins...
Amigos Con Derechos lyrics
Te presto mis ojos, para que veas lo hermosa que eres Te presto mis manos, para que toques las nubes si quieres Te presto mis dedos para que recuerdes...
Amigos Con Derechos [English translation]
I lend you my eyes, so you can see how beautiful you are, I lend you my hands, so you can touch the clouds if you want to. I lend you my fingers so yo...
Borracho de amor lyrics
He cometido el error de pensar Que poco a poco yo te iba a olvidar He cometido el error sin saber Que el amor que te tengo por siempre va a estar He c...
Borracho de amor [Croatian translation]
Pogriješio sam razmišljajući Da ću te malo po malo zaboraviti Pogriješio sam ne znajući Da će ljubav koju imam prema tebi zauvijek biti Pogriješio sam...
Borracho de amor [English translation]
I made the mistake of thinking That little by little I was going to forget you I made the mistake without knowing That the love I have for you it will...
Borracho de amor [Greek translation]
Έχω διαπράξει το λάθος να σκεφτώ Ότι σιγά-σιγά θα σε ξεχνούσα Έχω διαπράξει το λάθος, χωρίς να ξέρω ότι η αγάπη που έχω για σένα θα είναι παντοτινή Έχ...
Borracho de amor [Polish translation]
Popełniłem błąd myśląc, Że małymi kroczkami o tobie zapomnę, Popełniłem błąd nie zdając sobie sprawy, Że miłość do ciebie nigdy nie przeminie Popełnił...
Borracho de amor [Romanian translation]
Am făcut greșeala să cred Că încet încet o să te uit Am făcut greșeala fără să știu Că dragostea mea pentru tine va fi mereu Am făcut greșeala și am j...
WC no Beat - B.O. Temporário
[Intro: Reik | Dilsinho] Felp22 WC no Beat Reik Não vai prestar Pega a visão [Verso 1: Dilsinho] Hoje tá com cara que não vai prestar, aaa Já fiquei s...
B.O. Temporário [English translation]
[Verse 3: Reik] Every night, every dream I don't know what I'll do without you Even if with you I have everything to lose I'm my enemy and I want to s...
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