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Pussy Riot lyrics
Bad Apples lyrics
You thought that I just made this for the club – No way! I got this microphone to wake you up – and say! That I can do just what I want right here – t...
Bad Apples [German translation]
Ihr habt gedacht, dass ich das nur für den Club gemacht habe - Überhaupt nicht! Ich hab dieses Mikrofon genommen, um euch aufzuwecken - und zu sagen! ...
Don't Cry Genocide lyrics
There's a mob at the gate, you're safe inside There's truth in the streets, you shop online. Prisons, bombs, and cops' nightsticks Overcompensation fo...
I Can't Breathe lyrics
He's become his death The spark of the riots That's the way he's blessed To stay alive. It never leads to an end It's never getting quiet If it's unfa...
I Can't Breathe [Turkish translation]
O,kendi ölümüne dönüşüyor İsyanların kıvılcımı Bu şekilde kutsanmış Hayatta kalmak için Asla bitmeyecek Hiç susmuyor Bu haksızlık,dostum, Kararını ver...
Make America Great Again lyrics
What do you want your world to look like? What do you want it to be? Do you know that a wall has two sides? And nobody is free? Did your mama come fro...
Make America Great Again [German translation]
Wie willst du, dass deine Welt aussehen soll? Was soll sie sein? Weißt du, dass eine Mauer zwei Seiten hat? Und keiner frei ist? Kam deine Mama aus Me...
Make America Great Again [Greek translation]
Πώς θέλετε να δείχνει ο κόσμος σας ; Τι ζητάτε από αυτόν ; Ξέρετε ότι ο τοίχος [πάντα] έχει δυο πλευρές και ότι ουδείς είναι ελεύθερος ; Ήλθε [ποτέ] η...
Make America Great Again [Korean translation]
너는 네 세상이 어떻게 생겼길 바라니? 너는 뭐가 되고 싶니? 너는 장벽이 양면을 가졌다는 사실을 아니? 아무도 자유롭지 못하다는 걸? 너희 엄마, 멕시코 출신이야? 아빠는 팔레스타인에서 왔고? 시리아를 해집고 다니면서 국경들을 넘어다니고 있는 거야? 다른 이들이 들어...
Make America Great Again [Portuguese translation]
Com o que você quer que o seu mundo se pareça? O que você quer ele seja? Você sabe que um muro tem dois lados? E ninguém é livre? A sua mãe vem do Méx...
Make America Great Again [Russian translation]
Как вы хотите, что бы выглядел ваш мир? Что вы хотите, чтобы это было? Вы знаете, что стена имеет две стороны? И никто не свободен? Твоя мама из Мекси...
Make America Great Again [Serbian translation]
Kako želiš da tvoj svet izgleda? Šta želiš da ono bude? Da li znaš da taj zid ima dva strana I da nisu svi slobodni? Da li ti mama došla sa Meksika Ta...
Panic attack aye Ask me if I'm ok I am so decayed Feeling like an ashtray (Panic attack) Panic attack aye I don't know what to do When im going thru (...
PANIC ATTACK [Spanish translation]
Ataque de pánico, sí Pregúntame si estoy bien Estoy tan decaído Sintiéndome como un cenicero (Ataque de pánico) Ataque de pánico, sí No sé que hacer C...
Police State lyrics
Big smile for the camera, it's always on It's all in the protocol, they tapped my phone Golden idols holding rivals, Take my body, anybody I'm your tr...
Police State [German translation]
Großes Lächeln für die Kamera, sie ist immer an. Es ist alles im Protokoll, Sie tippen mein Handy. Goldene Idole halten Rivalen. Nehm meinen Körper, j...
Police State [Spanish translation]
Una gran sonrisa para la cámara, está siempre encendida Todo está en el protocolo, ellos tocaron mi teléfono Ídolos de oro que sostienen rivales, Cual...
Police State [Spanish translation]
Gran sonrisa para la cámara, siempre está encendida Todo esta en el protocolo, Golpearon mi telefono Ídolos dorados sosteniendo rivales Toma mi cuerpo...
Putin Lights Up the Fires lyrics
The state time in prison The more arrests - the less happiness And every arrest - with the love of a sexist We swinging our cheeks, chests and tummies...
Putin Lights Up the Fires [German translation]
The state time in prison The more arrests - the less happiness And every arrest - with the love of a sexist We swinging our cheeks, chests and tummies...
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