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Eels lyrics
Son Of A Bitch [French translation]
Mère ne pouvait pas m'aimer Mais ça ne m'a pas empêché De bien l'aimer Elle était ma mère Et je n'étais pas un fils de pute Père était alcoolique Un h...
Son Of A Bitch [German translation]
Mutter konnte mich nicht lieben Aber das hielt mich nicht davon ab Sie zu mögen Sie war meine Mutter Und ich war kein Hurensohn Papa war ein Trunkenbo...
That look you give that guy. lyrics
I never thought that I could be so bold, To even say these thoughts aloud. I see you with your man, and your eyes just shine, While he stands tall and...
That look you give that guy. [Italian translation]
Non pensavo che avrei mai avuto il coraggio anche solo per esprimere questi pensieri a voce alta Ti vedo con il tuo uomo, e ti brillano gli occhi, men...
That look you give that guy. [Spanish translation]
Yo jamás imaginé que pudiera ser tan osado, para decir estos pensamientos en voz alta. Te veo con tu hombre, tus ojos irradian brillo, mientras que él...
That look you give that guy. [Turkish translation]
Hiç bu kadar cesur olacağımı düşünmemiştim... Bu düşünceleri yüksek sesle söylemek bile... Seni adamınla gördüm, gözlerin parlıyordu O Dimdik durup, g...
The Good Old Days lyrics
I know i'm not too much of a bargain And you know that's not what you bargained for As the hours turn into days Pretty soon lost in the haze It's up t...
The Good Old Days [Turkish translation]
Biliyorum çok pazarlıkçı değilim Ve sen bunun ne umduğun olmadığını biliyorsun Saatlerin günlere dönüşümü gibi Kısa sürede pusun içinde kaybolur Bu sa...
The Magic lyrics
I get it, don’t sweat it, I’m not your cup of tea Believe it or not, not everyone loves me But try me, you’ll find me a personality That you can’t get...
The Mistakes of my Youth lyrics
In the waning days ahead, I gotta look back down the road. I know that it's not too late. All the stupid things I've said, and people I've hurt in my ...
The Mistakes of my Youth [Spanish translation]
En los últimos días por venir, Tengo que mirar el camino recorrido Sé que no es demasiado tarde Todas las cosas estúpidas que he dicho Y la gente a qu...
Today Is the Day lyrics
Today is the day that I chuck Everything I thought out the door Today is the day I ask myself What the hell was I living for, that's right Today is th...
What I Have To Offer lyrics
What I have to offer Well, there's a lot Now I'm a modest man But look at all I got For all the wear and tear I look okay I got good manners And I mak...
What I Have To Offer [French translation]
Ce que j'ai à offrir... Enfin, il y a beaucoup de choses Je suis un homme modeste, Mais regarde tout ce que j'ai Malgré l'usure du temps J'ai encore l...
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