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Eels lyrics
Agony lyrics
Am I gonna be alright? No I'm not gonna be alright Nothin' is alright now Am I gonna see the sun come up? Or am I goin' down? Cause everyday I'm here ...
Agony [Greek translation]
Θα είμαι εντάξει; Όχι δεν θα είμαι εντάξει Τίποτα δεν είναι εντάξει τώρα Θα δω τον ήλιο να ανατέλλει /να βγαίνει; Ή κατευθύνομαι προς τον πάτο; Γιατί ...
Anything for Boo lyrics
Anything for boo, oh boo, I do I do, I do, I do, I do Anything for boo, my love is true It's true, it's true, it's true, it's true That's our gal play...
Are We Alright Again lyrics
Walking down the street Or walking on the moon What's it matter Now to my cocoon? Stepping to the sunshine Man, it feels good Birds and bees jamming A...
Baby Let’s Make It Real lyrics
This is goin’ pretty good I gotta admit, I didn't see it coming But every day since that kiss Got me thinking do you wanna Do you wanna do this? Baby,...
Baby Let’s Make It Real [Turkish translation]
Bu gayet iyi gidiyor. İtiraf etmeliyim, böyle olacağını bilemedim. Ama o öpücükten beri her gün Beni düşündürdü, ister misin? Bunu yapmak ister misin?...
Beautiful Freak lyrics
You’re such a beautiful freak I wish there were more just like you You’re not like all of the others And that is why I love you Beautiful freak, beaut...
Beautiful Freak [Bulgarian translation]
Ти си толкова красив чудак Иска ми се да бях повече като теб Ти не си като всички останали И затова те обичам Красив чудак, красив чудак Затова те оби...
Beautiful Freak [German translation]
Du bist solch ein schöner Freak, Ich wünschte, es gäbe mehr wie du. Du bist nicht wie alle anderen. Und deshalb liebe ich dich, Schöner Freak, schöner...
Beautiful Freak [Italian translation]
Sei proprio un bellissimo scherzo della natura, vorrei che ce ne fossero di più come te. Tu non sei come tutti gli altri. Ed è per questo che ti vogli...
Beautiful Freak [Polish translation]
Jesteś takim pięknym dziwakiem1. Gdyby było więcej takich jak ty! Nie jesteś taki, jak wszyscy. I właśnie dlatego cię kocham, piękny dziwaku, piękny d...
Beautiful Freak [Russian translation]
о, что за чудный ты фрик, Вот бы побольше в мире таких, как ты Ты не такой, как все И вот почему я тебя люблю Чудный фрик, чудный фрик Вот почему я те...
Beautiful Freak [Turkish translation]
Sen bir çeşit çılgın güzelsin Senin gibi daha fazla olmasını isterdim Sen başkalarına benzemiyorsun Ve işte bu nedenle seni seviyorum Çılgın güzel, Çı...
Bone Dry lyrics
In my dream, I see you there Your eyes fixed in a vacant stare A little laugh, a crooked smile Don't lift a finger while I lay dying Bone dry You dran...
Bone Dry [Turkish translation]
Rüyamda seni orada görüyorum. Gözlerin donuk bir bakışa dikilmiş. Ufak bir kahkaha, zoraki bir gülümseme. Ölüm döşeğimdeyken parmağını bile kıpırdatmı...
Daisies Of The Galaxy lyrics
Take heart, my little friend And push back your seat Soon we'll be far away Far from the street Where you learned how to be Not what you are Up on the...
Dead Of Winter lyrics
Standing in the dark outside the house Breathing in the cold and sterile air Well i was thinking how it must feel To see that little light And watch i...
Dead Of Winter [French translation]
Debout dans le noir, à l'extérieur de la maison Respirant l'air froid et stérile Et bien, je me demandais comment ce doit être Que de voir cette petit...
Dead Of Winter [Polish translation]
Stoję w ciemności na zewnątrz domu Wdychając zimne i sterylne powietrze No i myślałem, jak musi być Gdy zobaczy się to małe światełko I obserwójąc je ...
Dead Of Winter [Portuguese translation]
De pé, na escuridão do lado de fora da casa, respirando no frio e no ar estéril, estava eu, pensando em como deve ser ver essa pequena luz e observá-l...
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