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Hedley lyrics
Invincible lyrics
Took a log hard look at ma life lost my way while I Was fighting A big back cloud stormy sky Followed me while I was living a lie So heartless so self...
Lose Control lyrics
Can I make a little toast? Can we get a little close? Can I get an amen? Can I get a hell yeah? Can I get a holy ghost? Somebody give me a beat Let me...
Lose Control [Russian translation]
Могу я сделать небольшой тост? Можем мы стать немного поближе? Могу я получить одобрение? Могу я получить адское да? Могу ли я стать святым? Кто-нибуд...
Narcissist lyrics
The has-been high school hero He's first in line in his whole mind and doesn't care about the rest A handsome half wit zero He'll be your friend until...
Never Too Late lyrics
Hoping I can run today and get away faster Than ever from here Another night and who can say if leaving is better Than living in fear Here's to all th...
Never Too Late [French translation]
J'espère pouvoir fuir aujourd'hui et partir au loin, Plus rapidement que je ne l'ai jamais fait Une nuit de plus, et qui peut vraiment dire si quitter...
One Life lyrics
Oh woah, One life One chance, two lips, free falling We’re about to lose our grip now Five minutes too late Can’t be messing with fate It’s time to ge...
Perfect lyrics
Falling a thousand feet per second You still take me by surprise I just know we can't be over I can see it in your eyes Making every kind of silence T...
Perfect [Greek translation]
Πέφτοντας 5 πόδια το λεπτό Ακόμα με εκπλήσσεις Απλώς ξέρω πως δεν μπορεί να έχουμε τελειώσει Το βλέπω στα μάτια σου Κάνοντας κάθε είδους σιωπή Παίρνει...
Perfect [Hungarian translation]
Ezer láb per perccel zuhanok, de még mindig meg tudsz lepni Tudom, hogy nem lehet vége, látom a szemeidben Sokáig csak csendben ülünk, sok mindenre jö...
Perfect [Romanian translation]
Căzând o mie de metri intr-o secundă, Încă mă iei prin surprindere Știu ca nu se poate să se fi terminat Vad asta in ochii tăi Făcând liniște in orice...
Perfect [Russian translation]
Вниз со скоростью 1000 футов в секунду Ты по-прежнему застаешь меня врасплох Я лишь знаю, что мы не можем расстаться Я вижу это в глубине твоих глаз Л...
Perfect [Turkish translation]
Aniden biteceğimizi hissetsem de, Beni hâla şaşırtıyorsun, Biz bitemeyiz biliyorum, Gözlerinden anlıyorum. Her türlü sessizliği yaparak, Farketmesi uz...
She's So Sorry lyrics
We started out OK, But you through it all away, My God what's going on in your head, For all we could have found, Just to let it hit the ground, Well ...
She's So Sorry [French translation]
Nous avions bien commencé, Mais tu as tout foutu en l'air Mon Dieu, mais qu'est-ce qui se passe dans ta tête ? Pour tout ce que nous aurions pu trouve...
Stormy lyrics
Wind blow, rain fall We've faced it all There's still some use in trying Hands up, heads down Baby if you think there's no way out Somewhere the sun's...
Stormy [French translation]
Le vent souffle, la pluie tombe Nous avons déjà traversé tout ça Il vaut toujours la peine d'essayer Les mains levées, la tête baissée Chérie, si tu c...
Stormy [Hungarian translation]
A szél fúj, az eső esik, Már mindennel szembenéztünk, De van még néhány dolog, mit meg kell próbálni, Kezeket fel, fejeket le, Baby, ha azt hiszed, ni...
Stormy [Russian translation]
Дует ветер, идет дождь Мы столкнулись с проблемой И все же нам стоит попытаться Мы устали и расстроены* Но если ты думаешь, что выхода нет Он есть, ве...
Trip lyrics
Some say love is not for sinners I believe that isn't true 'Cause when I was finished sinning Love came down and showed me you And you told me how to ...
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