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James Taylor lyrics
Secret Of Life [Turkish translation]
Hayatın sırrı zaman geçirmekten zevk almaktır. Her aptal bunu yapabilir. Hiçbirşey için orada değil. Nasıl sahip olduğumuzu kimse bilmiyor. Cehennemin...
Shower the People lyrics
You can play the game and you can act out the part Though you know it wasn't written for you But tell me, how can you stand there with your broken hea...
Shower the People [French translation]
Vous pouvez jouer le jeuet vous pouvez faire l'idiot Bien que vous savez que ce n'était pas écrit pour vous Mais dites-moi, comment pouvez-vous rester...
Shower the People [Italian translation]
Puoi giocare e puoi recitare il tuo ruolo Anche se sai che non è stato scritto per te Ma dimmi, come puoi rimanere lì col cuore spezzato Vergognandoti...
Shower the People [Spanish translation]
Puedes jugar el juego y representar el papel Aunque sabes que no fue escrito para ti Pero dime, ¿cómo puedes pararte allí con el corazón roto Avergonz...
Some Children See Him lyrics
Some children see Him lily white, The baby Jesus born this night. Some children see Him lily white, With tresses soft and fair. Some children see Him ...
Some Children See Him [Hebrew translation]
,ישנם ילדים הרואים אותו כשושן צחור .ישו התינוק נולד הלילה ,ישנם ילדים הרואים אותו כשושן צחור .עם תלתלים רכים ובהירים ,ישנם ילדים הרואים אותו שזוף וחום...
Something in the Way She Moves lyrics
There’s something in the way she moves Or looks my way or calls my name That seems to leave this troubled world behind And if I’m feeling down and blu...
Something in the Way She Moves [Italian translation]
C'è qualcosa nel modo in cui si muove O mi guarda o chiama il mio nome Che pare lasciare questo mondo tribolato alle spalle E se mi sento giù e triste...
Steamroller Blues lyrics
Well, I'm a steamroller, baby, I'm bound to roll all over you. Yes, I'm a steamroller now, baby, I'm bound to roll all over you. I'm gonna inject your...
Steamroller Blues [French translation]
Bon, je suis un rouleau compresseur, bébé, je suis condamné à rouler sur toi. Oui, je suis maintenant un rouleau compresseur, bébé, je suis condamné à...
Suzanne lyrics
Suzanne takes you down to her place near the river You can see the boats go by You can spend the night forever And you know that she's half crazy But ...
Suzanne [Portuguese translation]
Suzanne te leva à sua casa perto do rio Você pode ver os barcos passando Vocês podem passar a noite juntos E você sabe que ela é meio louca Mas é por ...
Sweet Baby James lyrics
There is a young cowboy, he lives on the range His horse and his cattle are his only companions He works in the saddle and he sleeps in the canyons Wa...
Sweet Baby James [French translation]
Il y a un jeune cowboy, il vit dans la région Son cheval et son bétail sont ses seuls compagnons Il travaille comme fabriquant de sellier et il dort d...
Sweet Baby James [Italian translation]
C'è un giovane cowboy, vive nella prateria Il suo cavallo e la sua mandria sono i suoi unici compagni Lavora in sella e dorme nei canyons Aspettando l...
That Lonesome Road lyrics
Walk down that lonesome road All by yourself Don't turn your head Back over your shoulder And only stop to rest yourself When the silver moon Is shini...
That Lonesome Road [Portuguese translation]
Ande por aquela estrada solitária Por conta própria Não vire sua cabeça Sobre seus ombros E só pare para descansar Quando a lua de prata Estiver brilh...
James Taylor - The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance
When Liberty Valance came to town The women folk would hide They'd hide When Liberty Valance walked around The men would step aside Because the point ...
The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance [German translation]
Kam Liberty Valance in die Stadt geritten, Suchten alle Frauen, sich zu verstecken, Sie versteckten sich. Ging Liberty Valance umher, Traten die Männe...
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