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James Taylor lyrics
Never Never Land lyrics
I know a place where dreams are born And time is never planned Oh, it's not on any chart You must find it with your heart Never Never Land It might be...
Never Never Land [Dutch translation]
Ik ken een plek waar dromen ontstaan En waar tijd niet bestaat Oh het is op geen enkele kaart te vinden Je moet het in je hart zoeken Het Nooitgedacht...
Never Never Land [Portuguese translation]
Eu conheço um lugar onde os sonhos nascem E o tempo nunca é planejado E não está em nenhum quadro Você deve acha-lo no seu coração A terra do nunca Po...
Oh, What A Beautiful Morning lyrics
There's a bright golden haze on the meadow There's a bright golden haze on the meadow The corn is as high as an elephant's eye And it looks like it's ...
Oh, What A Beautiful Morning [Croatian translation]
Na livadi je vedra zlatna maglica Na livadi je vedra zlatna maglica Kukuruz je visok kao oko slona I izgleda kao da se penje ravno prema nebu Oh, kakv...
Oh, What A Beautiful Morning [Portuguese translation]
Há um brilho dourado no prado Há um brilho dourado no prado O milho está tão alto quanto o olho de um elefante E parece que ele está escalando até o c...
Oh, What A Beautiful Morning [Spanish translation]
Hay una bruma brillante y dorada en la pradera Hay una bruma brillante y dorada en la pradera El maíz está alto, como el ojo de un elefante Y parece q...
On Broadway lyrics
They say the neon lights are bright on Broadway They say there's always magic in the air But when you're walkin' down that street And you ain't had en...
On Broadway [Portuguese translation]
They say the neon lights are bright on Broadway They say there's always magic in the air But when you're walkin' down that street And you ain't had en...
Our Town lyrics
Long ago, but not so very long ago The world was different, oh yes it was You settled down and you built a town and made it live And you watched it gr...
Our Town [English translation]
Hace mucho tiempo, pero no hace mucho El mundo era diferente, oh sí, lo era Te estableciste y construiste una ciudad y la hiciste vivir Y la viste cre...
Our Town [Finnish translation]
kauan sitten, tai ehkei sittenkään niin kauan sitten maailma oli erillainen, joo olihan se sä asetuit aloillesi ja rakensit kaupungin ja sait sen eläm...
Our Town [German translation]
Lang her, aber noch nicht so lange her war die Welt noch anders, oh ja, das war sie. Du hast dich niedergelassen, eine Stadt gebaut und sie zum Leben ...
Over The Rainbow lyrics
When all the world is a hopeless jumble And the raindrops tumble all around Heaven opens a magic lane And when all the clouds darken up the skyway The...
Over The Rainbow [Dutch translation]
Als heel de wereld zich tegen jou keert en de regen laat geen draad meer droog dan verschijnt er een lichtfontein. Als alle wolken het donker maken da...
Over The Rainbow [Portuguese translation]
Quando o mundo todo é uma selva sem esperança E as gotas de chuva caem todas ao redor O paraíso abre uma passagem mágica Quando as nuvens escurecem o ...
Pennies from Heaven lyrics
Back a long long time ago, a million years BC All the best things in this life were absolutely free But no one appreciated a sky that was always blue ...
Secret Of Life lyrics
"The secret of life is enjoying the passage of time Any fool can do it There ain't nothing to it Nobody knows how we got to The top of the hill But si...
Secret Of Life [French translation]
Le secret de la vie c'est d'apprécier le passage du temps N'importe quel idiot peut le faire Ce n'est presque rien Personne ne sait comment nous somme...
Secret Of Life [Italian translation]
Il segreto della vita è gioire del tempo che passa Ogni stupido lo può fare Non c'è niente di difficile Nessuno sa come abbiamo raggiunto La cima dell...
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