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Mandy Moore also performed lyrics
Santa Claus Is Comin' To Town lyrics
You better watch out You better not cry Better not pout I'm telling you why Santa Claus is coming to town He's making a list And checking it twice Gon...
Santa Claus Is Comin' To Town [German translation]
Du tust gut daran, die Augen aufzumachen und nicht zu weinen oder eine Flunsch zu ziehen, ich erzähle dir auch, warum: Der Weihnachtsmann kommt in die...
Stupid Cupid lyrics
Stupid cupid, you're a real mean guy I'd like to clip your wings so you can't fly I'm in love and it's a crying shame And I know that you're the one t...
Stupid Cupid [Chinese translation]
傻傻的丘比特,你真是个小气鬼 我恨不得把你的翅膀剪断,让你飞不得 我恋爱了,这可是件又羞又恼的事儿 而我知道这就怪你 喂,喂——让我解脱 丘比特你个小笨蛋,别再捉弄我了 我心神不宁,作业也做不下去 每天早晨八点半左右我都会遇见他 我像一个坠入情网的傻瓜 你甚至指使我 帮他把书带去学校 喂,喂——让我...
Stupid Cupid [Czech translation]
Amorku hloupej, ty seš vážně klučina zlej, ráda bych ti křidýlka přistřihla, abys létat nemohl, jsem zamilovaná a je to vážně k pláči a já vím, že za ...
Stupid Cupid [French translation]
Stupide Cupid-on, t'es un méchant gars J' aim'rais te lier les ailes, que tu ne voles pas Je suis amoureuse et c'est une honte Et je sais que c'est à ...
Stupid Cupid [German translation]
Dummer Amor, du bist ein ganzer gemeiner Kerl Ich würde gerne deine Flügel stutzen, sodass du nicht fliegen kannst Ich bin verliebt, und es ist eine S...
Stupid Cupid [Greek translation]
Χαζέ έρωτα είσαι ένας πολύ κακός τύπος Θα ήθελα να σου περικόψω τα φτερά ώστε να μην μπορείς να πετάς Είμαι ερωτευμένη και είναι ντροπή για κλάματα Κα...
Stupid Cupid [Portuguese translation]
Estúpido cupido, você é um cara muito mau Eu queria poder cortar as suas asas para você não mais voar Estou apaixonada e isso é algo terrível E eu sei...
Stupid Cupid [Serbian translation]
Glupi Kupide,baš si zao tip Skratila bih ti krila da ne možeš da letiš Zaljubljena sam i sramota me što plačem I znam da si ti za to kriv Hej hej,oslo...
Stupid Cupid [Turkish translation]
Aptal ask tanrisi, sen gercekten adi bir adamsin kanatlarini baglamak isterdim boylece ucamazdin asigim ve bu aglanacak bir utanc ve biliyorum beni ki...
The Waterboys - The Whole of the Moon
I pictured a rainbow You held it in your hands I had flashes But you saw the plan I wandered out in the world for years While you just stayed in your ...
The Whole of the Moon [Dutch translation]
Ik beeldde me een regenboog in. Jij hield hem in je handen Ik zag flitsen Jij zag het plan Ik zwerfde jaren over de wereld terwijl jij gewoon in je ka...
The Whole of the Moon [German translation]
Ich malte mir einen Regenbogen aus, du hieltest ihn in deinen Händen, Ich hatte Geistesblitze, aber du sahst den Plan. Ich wanderte jahrelang durch di...
Anticipation lyrics
We can never know about the days to come But we think about them anyway And I wonder if I'm really with you now Or just chasing after some finer day A...
Anticipation [Italian translation]
Non possiamo mai sapere dei giorni a venire Ma ci pensiamo comunque E mi chiedo se sono davvero con te adesso O sto semplicemente rincorrendo una gior...
Anticipation [Portuguese translation]
Nunca sabemos nada sobre os dias que virão Mas pensamos neles mesmo assim E me pergunto se realmente estou com você agora Ou só procurando algum dia m...
Senses working overtime
Hey, hey, the clouds are whey There's straw for the donkeys And the innocents can all sleep safely All sleep safely My, my, sun is pie There's fodder ...
Senses working overtime [French translation]
Hé hé, les nuages sont du petit-lait Il y a de la paille pour les ânes Et les innocents peuvent tous dormir saufs Tous dormir saufs Là là, le soleil e...
Senses working overtime [French translation]
Hé, hé, les nuages sont du petit-lait Il y a de la paille pour les ânes Et les innocents peuvent tous dormir en sécurité, Tous dormir en sécurité Mon ...
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