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Giulia featuring lyrics
Mi-e dor de noi lyrics
Doar petale uscate, căzute pe-o carte Îmi spun că tu... eşti departe Şi nu ştii cum arde Şi nu ştii cum doare Tu nu eşti... unde eşti oare? Nici nu-mi...
Mi-e dor de noi [Catalan translation]
Només pètals secs, caiguts sobre un llibre Em diuen que tu... ets lluny I no saps com crema I no saps com dol Tu no hi ets... on ets doncs? NI tan sol...
Mi-e dor de noi [English translation]
I miss us Some dried petals, laying on a book Tell me that you...are far away And you don't know how it burns, you don't know how it hurts, You're not...
Mi-e dor de noi [English translation]
Only dried petals, fallen on a book tell me... that you are away You do not know how it burns You do not know how it hurts You're not ... where are yo...
Mi-e dor de noi [English translation]
Only driedpetals,fallen on a book Telling me that you..your far away And you don't know how its burning And you don't know how its hurting You are not...
Mi-e dor de noi [English translation]
Only dried petals, fallen on a book, Tell me that you... are far away, And you don't know how it burns, And you don't know how it hurts You are missin...
Mi-e dor de noi [English translation]
Only dried petals fallen on a book Tell me that you... are far And you don't know how it burns, you don't know how it hurts You are not....where are y...
Mi-e dor de noi [English translation]
Only dried petals, fallen on a book tells me... that you are away And you don’t know how it burns And you don’t know how it hurts You're not here ... ...
Mi-e dor de noi [English translation]
I miss us Only dry petals, fallen on a book Tell me that you... are faraway And you don't know how it burns, and you don't know how it hurts, You are ...
Mi-e dor de noi [English translation]
Only dried petals, fallen on a book I tell you ... you are away You do not know how burn You do not know how it hurts You're not ... where are you rea...
Mi-e dor de noi [Finnish translation]
Vain kirjalle lasketut lakastuneet terälehdet Kertovat minulle, että sinä… olet kaukana Et aavistakaan, miten kovasti polttaa Et aavistakaan, miten pa...
Mi-e dor de noi [German translation]
Nur getrocknete Blütenblätter, auf ein Buch hinunter gefallen sagen mir, dass du...weit weg bist und du weisst nicht wie es brennt und du weisst nicht...
Mi-e dor de noi [Hungarian translation]
Csak a száraz szirmok, könyvre hullva Mondják nekem, hogy te....messze vagy És nem tudod, hogy éget És nem tudod, hogy fáj Te nem vagy...vajon hol vag...
Mi-e dor de noi [Italian translation]
Petali secchi, caduti su un libro Mi dicono che tu...sei lontano E non sai come brucia Non sai come fa male To non ci sei...dove sei tu? Non mi ricord...
Mi-e dor de noi [Latin translation]
Modo folia exsiccāta, in librum cāsa Mihi dīcō tē abesse Et nescīs, quōmodō ardeat Et nescīs, quōmodō doleat Tū nōn ades, ubī es, ain tū? Neque meminī...
Mi-e dor de noi [Lithuanian translation]
Tik sausi lapai nukritę ant knygos Pasakyk, jog tu...tu toli Ir tu nežinai kaip dega Ir tu nežinai kaip skauda Tavęs nėra...kurgi tu? Aš nepamenu nuo ...
Mi-e dor de noi [Norwegian translation]
Noen tørkede løv på en bok forteller meg at du er... langt borte og du vet ikke hvor mye det svir og hvor vondt det gjør. Du er ikke her... jeg lurer ...
Mi-e dor de noi [Polish translation]
Tylko uschnięte płatki, leżące na książce mówią mi, że... jesteś daleko I nie wiesz jak to pali, nie wiesz jak to boli Nie ma Cię... Zastanawiam się g...
Mi-e dor de noi [Portuguese translation]
Pétalas secas estão sobre o livro Elas me dizem que você está longe Você não sabe como arde Você não sabe como dói Não te encontro... onde você está? ...
Mi-e dor de noi [Russian translation]
ПРИПЕВ: Лишь сухие лепестки,упавшие на книгу Говорят мне что ты...далеко И не знаешь как горит, и не знаешь как болит Тебя нет....где же ты ? Даже не ...
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