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Planetshakers lyrics
The Anthem lyrics
By His stripes we are healed By His nail pierced hands we're free By His blood we're washed clean Now we have the victory [Pre-Chorus] The power of si...
The Anthem [Mongolian translation]
Сүлд дуу [Бадаг] Христийн шархаар бид эдгэрсэн Шаналалаар ньбид чөлөөлөгдсөн Христийн цусаар бид өршөөгдсөн Христтэй хамт бид ялсан юм [Дахилт] Нүглий...
the greatest lyrics
[Chorus: Intro] I'll shout it to the world, You're the greatest I'll sing it till it's heard, You're the greatest It's what You deserve, You're the gr...
the greatest [Indonesian translation]
[Chorus: Intro] Kuberseru, Kau yang Paling Kuasa Kudendangkan, Kau yang Paling Kuasa Hanya Kau yang berhak, Kau yang Paling Kuasa Yesus, aku selalu me...
This Is How We Overcome lyrics
Your light broke through my night Restored exceeding joy Your grace fell like the rain And made this desert live You have turned my mourning into danc...
This Is How We Overcome [French translation]
Votre lumière a percé mon nuit Il a restitué la joie exceptionnelle Votre grâce est tombé comme le pleut Et il a fait vivre ce désert Vous avez transf...
This Is How We Overcome [French translation]
Ta lumière a transpercé ma nuit Elle a restauré une joie débordante Ta grâce est tombée comme la pluie Et a rendu ce désert vivant Tu as changé ma mél...
This Is How We Overcome [Spanish translation]
T luz me ilumino Restauracion me dio liuvia Tu gracia fue A mi desierto vida dio -coro- Tu cambiaste mi lamento en danza Tu cambiaste en gozo mi dolor...
this is our time lyrics
Here and now making loud at the top of our lungs. There's a sound breaking out Lord for all that you've done. And now, we're turning our turning our h...
this is our time [Spanish translation]
Aquí y ahora, gritando a todo pulmón. Hay un sonido escapando, Señor, por todo lo que has hecho. Y ahora, volvemos, volvemos nuestros corazones a Ti. ...
Todo Mundo de Pie lyrics
Con todo mi respirar, te alabo con cada paso que doy, con todo lo que yo soy, te alabo no existe nada mejor... Todos unidos con el corazón, te damos g...
Turn It Up lyrics
You are here as we lift You up You are riding on our praise Be enthroned over everything You are seated in our praise This is prophetic I can feel it ...
Unto God lyrics
You are the first, You are the last No one is greater than You No name is higher You never fail, always prevail We put our trust in You God of the bre...
Unto God [Chinese translation]
祢是第一個,祢是最後一個 沒有人比祢更偉大 沒有名字能更崇高 祢永遠不會失敗,永遠佔在高處 我們信任祢 重大突破的神 祢走出了一條無人能走的道路 向著神表示讚美 向著神表示讚美 因為祂做了偉大的事情 所以永永遠遠我們將會歌頌 對祢 對祢 誰計數了星星,呼喊他們按名而來? 創造天地萬物的神 天國之王 ...
Unto God [Indonesian translation]
Kau yang pertama, Kau yang terakhir Tidak ada yang lebih besar dariMu Tidak ada nama yang lebih tinggi Kau tidak pernah gagal, selalu menang Kami mena...
We speak life lyrics
We speak strength into these weary bones We speak the healing power of the Lord For in His name there are miracles We speak nothing is incurable 'Caus...
We speak life [Mongolian translation]
Тунхаглая- дорой нэгэнд хүч чадлыг Тунхаглая - бидний Эзэн эдгээх хүчтэй Түүний нэрээр гайхамшигууд болдог Тунхаглая - эдгэшгүй өвчин гэж үгүй Бид мэд...
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