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Kate Nash lyrics
The Nicest Thing [Finnish translation]
Tiedän vain että olet niin kiva Olet mukavin asia jonka olen koskaan nähnyt Kunpa voisimme kokeilla Nähdä voisimmeko olla jotakin Kunpa olisin lempity...
Trash lyrics
Hey Are you up? Don't mean to wake you But I've got bad news Hey Is there someone you can talk to? Hey, hey Are you sitting down? Impure toxic devotio...
Trash [Spanish translation]
Oye ¿Estás despierto? No quería despertarte Pero tengo malas noticias Oye ¿Tienes alguien con quién hablar? Oye, oye ¿Estás sentado? Devoción tóxica e...
Under-Estimate the Girl lyrics
Everybody playing, playing so safe No one wanna mess, mess with the rules I feel like my head may explode All my friends keep me alive though I feel I...
Under-Estimate the Girl [Finnish translation]
Everybody playing, playing so safe No one wanna mess, mess with the rules I feel like my head may explode All my friends keep me alive though I feel I...
Under-Estimate the Girl [Portuguese translation]
Everybody playing, playing so safe No one wanna mess, mess with the rules I feel like my head may explode All my friends keep me alive though I feel I...
Under-Estimate the Girl [Serbian translation]
Everybody playing, playing so safe No one wanna mess, mess with the rules I feel like my head may explode All my friends keep me alive though I feel I...
We Get On lyrics
Simply knowing you exist Ain't good enough for me But asking for your telephone number Seems highly inappropriate Seeing as I can't Even say hi When y...
We Get On [Finnish translation]
Pelkkä tietoisuus olemassaolostasi Ei ole minulle tarpeeksi hyvä Mutta puhelinnumerosi pyytäminen Vaikuttaa kovin sopimattomalta Kun kerran en voi Ede...
We Get On [Greek translation]
Απλά το να ξέρω πως υπάρχεις δεν είναι αρκετά καλό για εμένα Αλλά το να ζητήσω τον αριθμό του τηλεφώνου σου φαίνεται άκρως απρεπές βλέποντας πως δεν μ...
You Were So Far Away lyrics
You used to be so far away Now I can almost touch I can taste the metal Feel the gun in my mouth Who will change my life? How can I trust? Who will br...
You Were So Far Away [Finnish translation]
Olit ennen niin kaukana Nyt voin melkein koskettaa Voin maistaa metallin Tuntea aseen suussani Kuka tulee muuttamaan elämäni? Miten voin luottaa? Kuka...
You're So Cool, I'm So Freaky lyrics
I'm a waste of space I don't understand you Send me away Tomorrow is important No matter what you say So keep your secrets from me And keep yourself a...
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