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Kate Nash lyrics
Model Behaviour lyrics
Hey bitch touch this Dooo yooo ay yayayahyay! You don't have to suck dick to succeed You don't have to suck dick to succeed You don't have to suck dic...
Mouthwash lyrics
This is my face, covered in freckles with an occasional spot and some veins This is my body, covered in skin, and not all of it you can see And this i...
Mouthwash [French translation]
Voici mon visage, couvert de taches de rousseur avec un occasionnel bouton et quelques veines Voici mon corps, couvert de peau et on peut pas tout voi...
Mouthwash [Hungarian translation]
Ez az arcom, beborítva szeplőkkel, helyenként anyajegyekkel és néhány érrel Ez a testem, beborítva bőrrel, és nem az egész látható számodra És ez a le...
My Best Friend Is You lyrics
You are my best friend You are my best friend You are my best friend You are the most clever, most stupid, most whatever You are the most honourable s...
My Best Friend Is You [German translation]
You are my best friend You are my best friend You are my best friend You are the most clever, most stupid, most whatever You are the most honourable s...
Navy Taxi lyrics
Rain spat in my face, thanks a lot mate And I lost a tenner on the way Thinking about it, did I spend it last night When I was drunk and I wanted to g...
Nicest Thing lyrics
All I know is that you're so nice, You're the nicest thing I've seen. I wish that we could give it a go, See if we could be something. I wish I was yo...
Nicest Thing [Catalan translation]
Tot el que sé és que ets molt agradable Ets la cosa més agradable que he vist Desitjo que poguessim intentar-ho Veure si podríem ser algo. Desitjo que...
Nicest Thing [Finnish translation]
Kaikki mitä tiedän on se, että olet niin mukava Olet mukavin asia mitä olen nähnyt. Toivon, että voisimme yrittää katsoa jos me voisimme olla jotakin....
Nicest Thing [German translation]
Alles was ich weiß ist, dass du so schön bist, Du bist das Schönste, was ich gesehen habe. Ich wünschte, wir könnten es miteinander versuchen Sehen, o...
Nicest Thing [Hungarian translation]
Csak azt tudom, hogy olyan szép vagy Te vagy a legszebb dolog, amit valaha láttam Bárcsak adnánk egy esélyt a dolognak És meglátnánk, lehetne-e belőlü...
Nicest Thing [Portuguese translation]
Tudo que eu sei é que você é tão adorável Você é a coisa mais adorável que já vi Eu queria que nós levássemos isso adiante Ver se podemos ser algo. Eu...
Nicest Thing [Serbian translation]
SVe što znam je da si ti tako dobar Ti si najlepša stvar koju sam ikada videla Volela bi da pokušamo Vidimo da li možemo da budemo nešto Volela bi da ...
Nicest Thing [Spanish translation]
Todo lo que sé es que eres tan agradable, Eres la cosa más agradable que he visto. Deseo que pudiéramos intentarlo, Ver si podríamos ser algo. Deseo q...
Oh lyrics
I just can't stop thinking of you I really gonna, really gonna think about you I just can't think about you Even though I want to Oh oh oh oh [x4] Don...
Oh My God lyrics
Hey Check me out I'm so happy by the sea Look I can tell all my friends are jealous of me But they don't know how I feel inside They don't know how I ...
Oh My God [Finnish translation]
Hey Check me out I'm so happy by the sea Look I can tell all my friends are jealous of me But they don't know how I feel inside They don't know how I ...
Oh My God [German translation]
Hey Check me out I'm so happy by the sea Look I can tell all my friends are jealous of me But they don't know how I feel inside They don't know how I ...
Old Dances lyrics
Your lips are darker than before and the bags under your eyes are blacker than they were and there's something different about your skin and nobody kn...
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