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The Pogues also performed lyrics
American Folk - The Ballad of Jesse James
Jesse James was a lad who killed many men He robbed the Glendale train He stole from the rich and he gave to the poor He had hand and a heart and a br...
The Ballad of Jesse James [German translation]
Jesse James was a lad who killed many men He robbed the Glendale train He stole from the rich and he gave to the poor He had hand and a heart and a br...
The Ballad of Jesse James [Greek translation]
Jesse James was a lad who killed many men He robbed the Glendale train He stole from the rich and he gave to the poor He had hand and a heart and a br...
The Ballad of Jesse James [Italian translation]
Jesse James was a lad who killed many men He robbed the Glendale train He stole from the rich and he gave to the poor He had hand and a heart and a br...
Jesse James lyrics
Jesse James was a lad that killed many a man He robbed the Glendale train He stole from the rich and he gave to the poor He'd a hand and a heart and a...
Haunted lyrics
Do you remember that sunny day Somewhere in London In the middle of nowhere Didn't have nothing to do that day Didn't wanna do nothing anyway You got ...
Haunted [German translation]
Erinnerst du dich an diesen sonnigen Tag? Irgendwo in London Mitten im Nirgendwo Hatte nichts zu tun an diesem Tag Wollte auch sowieso nichts tun Du h...
Haunted [Serbian translation]
Da li se sećaš tog sunčanog dana Negde u Londonu Usred ničega Nismo imali ništa da radimo tog dana Nismo želili da radimo ništa ionako Imaš način hoda...
Santiano - Fairytale of New York
It was Christmas Eve, babe In the drunk tank An old man said to me: "Won't see another one" And then he sang a song "The Rare Old Mountain Dew" I turn...
Fairytale of New York [Russian translation]
Это был сочельник Рождества, детка, В вытрезвителе Старик сказал мне: "Другого не увидишь1" - А затем он спел песню "The Rare Old Mountain Dew"2. Я от...
The Rare Old Mountain Dew lyrics
Let grasses grow and waters flow In a free and easy way But give me enough of the rare old stuff That's made near Galway Bay And policemen all from Do...
Eve of Destruction [German translation]
Die östliche Welt, sie explodiert Gewalt flammt auf, Kugeln werden geladen Du bist alt genug zum Töten, aber nicht zum Wählen Du glaubst nicht an den ...
Eve of Destruction [Hebrew translation]
העולם המזרחי, הוא מתפוצץ, האלימות מתנפנפת, הכדורים נטענים אתה זקן מספיק כדי להרוג אבל לא להצביע אתה לא מאמין במלחמה, אבל מהו האקדח שאתה מנופף בו? ואפי...
Eve of Destruction [Romanian translation]
Lumea Orientului explodează Violenţa e-n floare, gloanţe se-ncarcă Eşti destul de mare să omori, dar nu să votezi Nu crezi în război, dar ce-i cu arma...
Eve of Destruction [Spanish translation]
El bloque oriental está explotando, la violencia estalla y se cargan las balas, eres lo bastante joven para matar, pero no para votar. Si no crees en ...
Eve of Destruction [Swedish translation]
Österlandet1, det exploderar, Våldet flammar upp, patroner laddas Du är gammal nog för att döda, men inte för att rösta Du tror inte på krig, så varfö...
Festa [Fiesta]
Comprei uma garrafa de Casal Garcia Para beber, mais a maria. Preparamos uma festa: Hoje é noite de folia! Já temos fados e guitarradas, Temos vinho e...
Festa [Fiesta] [English translation]
I bought a bottle of Casal Garcia white wine To drink, plus some Mary Jane. 1 We made arrangements for a party: Tonight will be a crazy night! We alre...
Leaving of Liverpool
Fare thee well to you, my own true love My darling, fare thee well Oh, I'm bound for California A place that I know right well So fare thee well, my o...
Paddy on the Railway
In eighteen hundred and forty-one Me corduroy breeches I put on Me corduroy breeches I put on To work upon the railway In eighteen hundred and forty-t...
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