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Manic Street Preachers lyrics
Don’t Let the Night Divide Us lyrics
Don’t let the night divide us The light will come and find us To keep the darkness from the door Don’t let their hatred blind us Their lies will help ...
Enola / Alone lyrics
The Statue of Liberty looks so solemn on the TV 100% risk of stepping outside Every second too precious to try My heart aches for enola From my birth ...
Enola / Alone [French translation]
La Statue de la Liberté semble si solennelle à la télé 100% de risques en mettant le pied dehors Chaque seconde est trop précieuse pour essayer Mon cœ...
Everlasting lyrics
The gap that grows between our lives The gap our parents never had Stop those thoughts control your mind Replace the things that you despise Oh you're...
Everlasting [Czech translation]
Propast, která roste mezi našimi životy Propast, kterou naši rodiče nikdy neměli Zbav se těch myšlenek, co ovládají tvou mysl Odvať se od věcí, kterým...
Everlasting [Greek translation]
Το χάσμα που αναπτύσσεται μεταξύ εμού και σου, αυτό το χάσμα που δεν βίωσαν ποτέ οι γονείς μας... Σταμάτα ετούτες τις σκέψεις και έλεγξε τη συνείδησή ...
Everlasting [Serbian translation]
Praznina koja raste između naših života Praznina koju naši roditelji nikad nisu imali Zaustavi ove misli koje kontrolišu tvoj um Zameni stvari koje pr...
Everlasting [Turkish translation]
Hayatlarımız arasında büyüyen boşluk Ebeveynlerimiz arasında hiç olmayan boşluk Durdur bu düşünceleri, aklına mukayet ol Yenisiyle değiştir hor gördüğ...
Faster. lyrics
I hate purity, Hate goodness, I don't want virtue to exist anywhere, I want everyone corrupt I am an architect, They call me a butcher, I am a pioneer...
Faster. [Spanish translation]
(Odio la pureza Odio la bondad No quiero que exista la virtud en ningún sitio Yo quiero que todo esté corrupto) Soy un arquitecto, me llaman carnicero...
From Despair To Where lyrics
I write this alone on my bed I've poisoned every room in my house The place is quiet and so alone Pretend there's something worth waiting for There's ...
Gold Against The Soul lyrics
Somebody told me to vote conservative Tragedy is not known under this dimmest of lights Everybody feels sick by the courtesy of dismay Was I schooled ...
Gold Against The Soul [Turkish translation]
Biri bana muhafazakarlara oy vermemi söyledi. Trajedi, bu loş ışıkların altında bilinmiyor. Herkes dehşetin kibarlığı yüzünden hasta hissediyor, Okula...
Happy Bored Alone lyrics
I was singing to a troubled sky She only shines with some borrowed light I was praying to a godless sky For the people still screaming inside I am hap...
Hold Me Like a Heaven lyrics
I walk between the dividing lines I dance around the exit signs I hate the world more than I hate myself I can't pretend that it's a cry for help Tatt...
I Live to Fall Asleep lyrics
I live to fall asleep It's when I stop the hate I never want to dream It infiltrates beauty I live to fall asleep Regenerate and sin Skin so tense giv...
If You Tolerate This Your Children Will Be Next lyrics
The future teaches you to be alone The present to be afraid and cold So if I can shoot rabbits Then I can shoot fascists Bullets for your brain today ...
If You Tolerate This Your Children Will Be Next [French translation]
L'avenir t'apprend à être seul Le présent, à être effrayé et froid Donc si je peux faire feu sur les lapins Alors je peux faire feu sur les fascistes ...
If You Tolerate This Your Children Will Be Next [German translation]
Die Zukunft lehrt Dich allein zu sein Die Gegenwart ängstlich und kalt zu sein Also wenn ich Kanninchen schießen darf Kann ich auch Faschisten erschie...
If You Tolerate This Your Children Will Be Next [Greek translation]
Το μελλον σου διδασκει να εισαι μονος Το παρον να εισαι φοβισμενος και ψυχρος Ετσι αν μπορω να πυροβολω κουνελια Τοτε μπορω να πυροβολω φασιστες Σφαιρ...
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