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In Flames lyrics
...As The Future Repeats Today lyrics
For so long I tried to be like you, Pushed aside with no time to evolve.. There's no place that still remains Just deserted space all left in grey Why...
A New Dawn lyrics
I dreamed that you had died I'm forever alone I'm weakened, I'm frightened This place's about to change Things you said to me Believe and the things y...
Abnegation lyrics
We believe but we are deceased Or soon to be. I act surprised You've seen the seas, It's just enough to feed the trees. We believe but we are not free...
Alias lyrics
The serpent knows, When the curtain falls, With denials blindfold, He greets another day [Chorus:] Don't believe the mask It adapts to any lie, A perf...
Alias [Turkish translation]
Yılan biliyor, Perde indiğinde Göz kapalı reddetmelerle Bir diğer günü selamlıyor. . Maskeye inanma O her yalana bürünür, Harika bir onluk Gerçek orta...
All For Me lyrics
Until The World Ceases To Move! A Burning Feeling, Let Me Call - Is This Real? I Wish One More Thing! I Flinch My Hands, And Bang My Head! Take Whatev...
All For Me [Czech translation]
Až se svět dá do pohybu Pocit pálení, dovolte mi zavolat - "To je skutečné!" Přál bych si ještě jednu věc! vztáhnout na sebe ruce a ustřelit si hlavu!...
All the Pain lyrics
The eyes of the world are on me, I might not come back from this On my knees, fighting the future for all of my beliefs Broken and discarded, alone, a...
All the Pain [Bulgarian translation]
Светът ме споглежда със своите очи, може би няма да се върна, На колене, боря се с бъдещето за всички мои вери, Смачкан и изплют, сам, сам самотен и и...
All the Pain [French translation]
Le monde me regarde avec ses yeux, je pourrais-être jamais ici revenir, Sur mes genoux, je me bats avec le futur pour tous mes rêves, Cassé et abandon...
All the Pain [Turkish translation]
Dünyanın gözü üstümde, Bundan kurtulamayabilirim Dizlerimin üstünde, Tüm inançlarımın geleceği için savaşıyorum Kırık ve kovulmuş, yalnız, yalnız ve g...
Another Day In Quicksand lyrics
The other side of the platinum door another day in quicksand Still feel close to nowhere I hope this is the right way How come you see me as an enemy?...
Artifacts Of The Black Rain lyrics
Stood there leaning to the city moon, casting silhouettes tall to grip her white rooms the black-clad voyeur in his black-clad masque in the serpentin...
Artifacts Of The Black Rain [Portuguese translation]
Lá estava ele, inclinado em direção à lua da cidade Lançando silhuetas altas que alcançavam seus cômodos brancos O espreitador vestido de preto, com s...
Battles lyrics
(pain!) You're not my friend and I despise you! (friend!) You are my pain and I adore you... What are you waiting for? I'm here! Let's consume it all....
Become The Sky lyrics
I can see it all against in my way Before I end time I close my eyes It feels like a could find a place in this mess And I dream that I'm blind And I'...
Before I Fall lyrics
How far to go? I'll never know. I pushed to hard, So you ran away. I know You bleed for me, And you know I'd die for you! A journey yearning with open...
Behind Space lyrics
Call me by my astral name Breeding fear through wordless tongue Heavenly thirst - unspeakable pain Emptied from all human motion Confront the faceless...
Behind Space [Czech translation]
Nazývej mě mým nebeským jménem Plodí strach jazykem ktery nezná slov Nadpozemská žízen-nepopsatelná bolest Zbaven veškerých lídskych emocí Postav se b...
Biosphere lyrics
Slowly the winter wind tears my skin Blood freezes in my veins I wish you were here beside me To release me from my pain Last night you promised me Yo...
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