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Ensiferum lyrics
Elusive Reaches lyrics
Protector of the sun arrives with light From the edge of the world to the highest heights. With a thunder blast he greets his twin, And falls back to ...
Eternal Wait lyrics
Over the forgotten sea Voice of angel is calling for me Somewhere where the mountains collide That's where I'll find my new life I have carried this b...
Eternal Wait [French translation]
Au-dessus de la mer oubliée, La voix d'un ange m'appelle Quelque part, là où les montagnes se rencontrent, Je trouverai ma nouvelle vie J'ai si longte...
Eternal Wait [German translation]
Über das vergessene Meer Ruft mich die Stimme eines Engels Irgendwo wo die Berge aufeinander prallen Dort werde ich mein neues Leben finden Ich habe d...
Eternal Wait [Greek translation]
Πάνω από τη λησμονημένη θάλασσα Φωνή αγγέλου με καλεί Κάπου όπου τα βουνά συγκρούονται Εκεί είναι που θα βρω τη καινούρια μου ζωή Φέρω αυτό το βάρος τ...
Eternal Wait [Hungarian translation]
Az elfeledett tenger fölött Egy angyal hangja szólít engem Valahol, ahol hegyek ütköznek össze, Ott fogom megtalálni az új életem Oly' sokáig hordozta...
Eternal Wait [Russian translation]
Над забытым морем Голос ангела зовет меня Туда, где сталкиваются горы Вот где я найду свою новую жизнь Я нес это бремя так долго для тебя Что ничего, ...
Eternal Wait [Spanish translation]
Encima el mar olvidado Me está convocando la voz del ángel El lugar donde chocan las montañas Es donde encuentro la nueva vida He llegado esta carga t...
Feast with Valkyries lyrics
Through mist we ride Howling wolves in moonlight Blood has been shed tonight It's judgement time Gallantly you fought Made your people proud Rise brav...
Ensiferum - Finnish Medley
Jo Karjalan kunnailla lehtii puu, jo Karjalan koivikot tuuhettuu. Käki kukkuu siellä ja kevät on, vie sinne mun kaihoni pohjaton. Ma tunnen vaaras' ja...
Finnish Medley [English translation]
In the hills of the Karelia Trees of the Karelia are already budding, Birch forests are at last becoming bushy. A cuckoo is already cuckooing there an...
Finnish Medley [English translation]
The tree is blooming on the fields of Karelia The Karelian birches are getting thicker You cockoo is cockooing and it is spring Take my endless yearni...
For Sirens lyrics
War rages inside me Deny the sweet lie from me I want to see, I want to feel I don't care if it's not real I have to go, unchain me Because the flesh ...
For Those About to Fight for Metal lyrics
Outnumbered but never alone, we stand Brave warriors, axes in our hands The symbol of enlightenment The secret of steel Carved in the hearts of the fr...
From Afar lyrics
A raven came to me, Spoke to me in my dream. A long lost prophecy, A forgotten legacy. Echoes of yesterday, Won't let these dreams fade away. All the ...
From Afar [Dutch translation]
Er kwam een raaf naar mij toe Hij sprak tot mij in mijn droom. Een lang verloren profetie, Een vergeten nalatenschap. Weerklanken uit het verleden Doe...
From Afar [French translation]
Un corbeau est venu à moi M'a parlé dans mon rêve Une prophétie perdue depuis longtemps Un heritage oublié Échoes d'autrefois Ne laisseront pas dispar...
From Afar [German translation]
Ein Rabe kam zu mir, Sprach zu mir in meinem Traum. Eine lang verlorene Prophezeiung, Ein vergessenes Vermächtnis. Echos von Gestern, Lassen diese Trä...
From Afar [Italian translation]
Un corvo venne da me Mi parlò in sogno di una lunga profezia perduta Un'eredità dimmenticata Gli echi del ieri Non dissolveranno questi sogni Tutta la...
From Afar [Turkish translation]
Bir kuzgun geldi bana, Konuştu benimle rüyalarımda, Uzun yıllardır hasret kalınan bir kehanet hakkında, Unutulmuş bir miras hakkında. Dünden kalan anı...
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