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Ensiferum lyrics
Treacherous Gods [Greek translation]
Η Γη είναι Βουβή... Πριν από τη Καταιγίδα! Στις αχανείς εκτάσεις του χιονιού, ο άνεμος δυνατά φυσά Με το παγερά ψυχρό κι αμείλικτο άγγιγμά του αφήνει ...
Treacherous Gods [Hungarian translation]
Csendes a Vidék... A Vihar Előtt! A hó végeláthatatlan mezőin erősen fúj a szél Dermesztő hidegségével és hajthatatlan érintésével egy halott és üres ...
Tumman virran taa lyrics
Yllä harmaan korven korpit laulaa Hurme tämän kansan roudan sulattaa Katso kuinka hohkaa kansi taivaan Kutsuu se meitä tumman virran taa Heikot vaipuu...
Tumman virran taa [English translation]
Above the grey forest, the ravens sing. This folks blood melts the frost in the ground. Look, how the top of the sky glows. It calls us behind the dar...
Tumman virran taa [Turkish translation]
Kasvetli bir ormanın üstünde, öter durur kuzgunlar Halkın kanı eritir topraktaki ayazı Baksana nasıl da parıldıyor gökyüzü, nasıl da örter üstümüzü Ça...
Tumman virran taa [Turkish translation]
Kara ormanların üstünde, kuzgun şarkı söylüyor Yerdeki buzları eritiyor, halkın akan kanları Bak nasıl da parıldıyor üstümüzdeki gökler Bizi kara nehr...
Twilight Tavern lyrics
We heard that enemies are approaching from the south We marched to face them and killed their scout But we were ambushed and slaughtered in the night ...
Twilight Tavern [German translation]
Wir hörten, dass sich Feinde von Süden nähern Wir marschierten, um uns ihnen zu stellen, und töteten ihre Kundschafter Doch wir wurden überfallen und ...
Twilight Tavern [Italian translation]
Abbiamo sentito che I nemici stavano arrivando dal sud Siamo andati loro incontro, ho ucciso il loro esploratore Ma ci è stata tesa un imboscata e sia...
Twilight Tavern [Turkish translation]
Düşmanlarımızın güneyden yaklaştığını duyduk Onlarla yüzleşmek için uygun adım yürüdük ve birliklerini öldürdük Ama gece tuzağa düştük ve katledildik ...
Two of Spades lyrics
I go all the way Night and day Women, booze and money It's all just a game Hit and run That's how I play All or nothing That's the winner's way When I...
Two of Spades [Italian translation]
Vado fino in fondo Notte e giorno Donne, liquori e soldi E' solo tutto un gioco Colpisci e corri Così è come gioco Tutto o niente E è il metodo del vi...
Two Paths lyrics
Callow dreams Dawn of spring No seeds of doubt yet sown in the ground Man-made shades mould reality Looming deceptions Hope blurs it all The path so b...
Two Paths [Russian translation]
Мечты юности, Приход весны – Зерна сомнений ещё не посеяны. Искусственные тени формируют реальность, Нависший обман – Надежда стирает всё. Путь такой ...
Unettomaan Aikaan lyrics

Vain aamu-usva peittona

Laulu säilyy muistona

On joka polun hintana

Kaiho, epäily ja kuolema

Unettomaan Aikaan [English translation]

Vain aamu-usva peittona

Laulu säilyy muistona

On joka polun hintana

Kaiho, epäily ja kuolema

Unsung Heroes lyrics
Forgotten tomb hill Unnamed graves No light can reach there Memories fade away Only frozen soil And eternal wind Remember the sacrifice Of those who a...
Unsung Heroes [Chinese translation]
被遗忘的坟山 不具名的荒冢 此处暗无天日 记忆烟消云散 唯有寒冷冻土 和那永恒疾风 铭记这段牺牲 葬于时光之人 此心无畏无惧 此魂义薄云天 怯懦何曾有之 虽受冷落一旁 虽已弃于死地 化作冰泪一滴 英雄终归无名 悍勇却遭磨灭 壮士不见青史 瘗于过隙白驹 英灵安息之处 但有暗影滋长 风雪掩盖寄望 身披万...
Unsung Heroes [French translation]
Colline de tombes oubliées Pierres tombales sans nom Aucune lumière ne peut y parvenir Les souvenirs s'estompent Seule la terre gelée Et le vent étern...
Unsung Heroes [German translation]
Vergessene Grabhügel Namenlose Gräber Kein Licht gelangt dort hin Die Erinnerungen verblassen Nur gefrorener Boden Und ewiger Wind Ich erinnere mich a...
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