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Melanie Fiona lyrics
Monday Morning [Hungarian translation]
Hallottad a mai híreket? Elhagyom avárost Kifogytam a pénzből Ez a város túl kicsi nekem, hogy itt maradjak Itt az idő Elmegyek Bébi, még mindig szüks...
Monday Morning [Macedonian translation]
Ги слушна ли новите вести денес Го напуштам градот Ќе трошам пари Овој град е мал за мене за да останам Сега е време Јас тргнувам Душо сеуште ми треба...
Monday Morning [Macedonian translation]
Ги слушна ли новите вести денес Го напуштам градот Ќе трошам пари Овој град е мал за мене за да останам Сега е време Јас тргнувам Душо сеуште ми треба...
Monday Morning [Portuguese translation]
Ouviste as notícias hoje? Estou a sair da cidade Estou a fechar as contas do dia Esta cidade é pequena demais para eu ficar A hora é agora Estou a ir-...
Monday Morning [Russian translation]
Слышал новость сегодня - Я уезжаю из города. Я заканчиваю дела, Этот город мал для меня, чтобы остаться. Пришло время Отправляться в другие края. Доро...
Monday Morning [Spanish translation]
¿Has oido hoy las notícias? Me voy de la ciudad, estoy sacando el dinero, esta ciudad es demasiado pequeña para quedarme. Ha llegado la hora de que me...
Monday Morning [Swedish translation]
Har du hört nyheterna idag Jag lämnar stan Jag kasserar ut Denna staden är för liten för mig att bo i Klockan är nu Jag är på väg ut Baby jag behöver ...
Please Don't Go [Cry Baby] lyrics
I want to love you Until the morning comes Secretly I want to tap you on your shoulder and ask you to come closer to me (I wanna love you I I wanna lo...
Priceless lyrics
If I was a million miles away Could you promise That our love would be safe Oh And if a beautiful girl was in your face Would you remember Even rememb...
Priceless [Spanish translation]
Si estuviera a un millón de millas ¿podrías prometerme que tu amor estaría seguro? Y si una bella chica estuviera en tu casa ¿recordarías si quiera mi...
Remember U lyrics
I can't Fall back in love again You broke this simple heart That used to beat for you, my friend! And I say that you’ve got some nerve just to come ba...
Remember U [Serbian translation]
Ne mogu Da se zaljubim ponovo Slomio si ovo naivno srce Koje je kucalo za tebe, druže! I kažem kako imaš srama samo da se vratiš i kažeš da ti je žao ...
Sad Songs lyrics
Doo Do Doo Doo (Oooh Yeah) [3x] (Sad songs, are the best songs oh yeah) (oooh yea yea yea yeah) [Verse 1:] I know there's love waiting on the of top a...
Sad Songs [French translation]
Les chansons tristes sont les meilleures. Je sais que l'amour attend en haut d'une colline, Quand j'y arriverai, j'espère qu'il ne sera pas trop tard ...
Somebody Come Get Me lyrics
[Intro:] Somebody come get me Before I kill this man Somebody come get me Cause I don't understand He don't wanna love me Say he got a woman down the ...
Somebody Come Get Me [Turkish translation]
Birileri beni tutsun Ben bu adamı öldürmeden önce Birileri beni tutsun Çünkü anlamıyorum. O beni sevmek istemiyor Sokağın aşağısında bir kadınının old...
Teach Him lyrics
No one's perfect No one's certain what life's all about It's a door we can't figure out all alone So we trust in who we can Never understand why Never...
Teach Him [Serbian translation]
Niko nije savršen Niko nije siguran koja je svrha života To su vrata koja kroz koja ne možemo Proći u potpunosti sami Stoga verujemo onima kojima može...
Teach Him [Turkish translation]
Kimse mükemmel değildir Kimse hayatın amacının ne olduğundan emin değildir Bu yalnız başımıza anlayamayacağımız bir kapıdır Bu yüzden kim olduğumuza g...
Walk On By lyrics
Excuse me if I interrupt uh So many things I gave up uh Still I can't get what I want uh You say it is all my fault uh Wasted time equal years To find...
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